Complete Horizontal Valkyrie

valkyrie cover1a


Valkyrie starts now ...

  • *cries at the beautiful artwork, and diverse, intriguing characters*

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  • ok ready, sound like there going to be a lot of fun here

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  • How soon is "soon"? :p

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  • I can't wait:)

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  • Intriguing premise.

    I thought the Valkyries were females in charge of protecting Odin, and calling fallen warriors to the battle halls to prepare for Ragnarok. I'm curious to see how you'll develop your own mythos ... or if you'll weave the standard lore into this story.

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  • this story sounds awesome I cant wait for it to start is there a starting date? :)

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  • I'm only guessing but I think it will start in September of October. I say this because The Abyss sounds like it will be done shortly. The Ghost Half started shortly after Sanctuary. Can't wait to read this when it starts. :D

    from Leduc, AB T9E, Canada
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  • Oooooo I can not wait for more!!!! Please please please start on this story soon I can't wait to read it!!! All the characters look beautiful and the setting sounds interesting and I can't wait to read about Norse mythology it's one of my favorites!!!! So please please update and build another beautiful yet terrifying world to explore.

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  • Can't wait for this one it reads with excitement and love. Art works is just fantastic and this will be another golden book. Can't wait.

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  • Day-am, look at the muscles on Liam. This is such a lovely picture.

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