Okay, all you people talking about how long it's been up need to stop. Raythe and her artists and fellow creators on this website are not at our beck and call and she and the others will make this Manga when they make it. Weedon't get to demand that they do it, it's their ART, they do it when they do it and we just wait patiently for it to come out, not demand it be done like spoiled children wanting a treat. And then having a temper tantrum when we don't get what we want. I thank Raythe and her team and fellow artists for what they create, I appreciate every story, every Manga, and every podfic you all put out. Thank you for all your efforts that you go through in creating the fantastic pieces of fiction and art that you and your fellow authors and artists post to this website.
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I understand and agree with what you're saying, but at the same time what everyone ELSE is saying is that some kind of update needs to be had about this. Either take down this page which says "Coming Soon!" or officially drop the project so it doesn't have people -- PAYING CUSTOMERS -- holding out on something that isn't to be. Essentially the biggest problem with having this page up is that it is "false advertising" which is the main reason everyone's up in arms about it. (And I honestly don't blame them. I'm a bit annoyed myself.)
Take for instance: Say your favourite music band or group had new merchandise/album/etc. and the ONLY store you can get it at says they will have that brand new merch REAL SOON. And you're excited! You're going to the store repeatedly, hoping to get your hands on all the goodies you heart desires! But every time you look/ask about it, no one has any answers for you and the new merch is nowhere to be found. Couple that with the fact that you've been waiting for TWO YEARS and I can assure you'd be pissed, and for good reason.
I'm not saying Raythe and the team need to update the STORY. I'm saying they need to update the story's PAGE with the actual status of this project. Because, at this point, to do otherwise is bordering on an outright lie. :/9 Like -
WTF why is this still up I just read that the next manga is going to be ever dark. If your not going to do part 3 just take the coming soon page down it just gives me false hope
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I decided to come back to see if it’s out and it’s still not. So I chose to go to read all the comments and I looked all the way back to the first comment which was 4 YEARS AGO! It’s really a long time since Rayne made a promise to deliver this 3rd volume of the manga. WE DEMAND THAT YALL EXPLAIN WHY THIS MANGA WAS ABANDONED FOR SO LONG TIME!!! Sorry for my ranting. This is too good to be abandoned.
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I've been a subscriber for about 2 maybe 3 years now and though you tell great stores if you don't fix this by either dropping it or finishing it your probably going to loss people and u don't need that! So you need to take the time to think about this problem and correct it asap. So your fans will stop harassing you over this and they will finally settle once you tell them what they need to know.
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okay, we need t start a pressure campaign on RR to GET THIS DONE BECAUSE THIS IS BEYOND LUDICROUS.
It's NOT COMING SOON ait never war and to have that still here over A YEAR LATER iss mockery.
ALso, you could do that Warewolf Manga but THE ONE THAT EVERYBODY WANTED GOT IGNORED.
I'm sorry but this almost seems personal at this point. WHY HAS MORE ATTENTION NOT BEEN BROUGHT TO THIS???
Comments (92)