Complete Horizontal Valkyrie

valkyrie char mary



Sheriff Mary Blake lost her husband and her oldest son to violent criminals.  Her sole focus in life is to keep her small western town safe from the darkness in peoples’ hearts, most especially her youngest son Cameron, but the harder she holds onto him, the more fiercely Cameron pulls away.

She worries that Cameron is drifting through life and has no attachments to anyone or anything.  She wants to reconnect with him and help him find his way, but she fears that his heart and mind were too shattered by Liam’s death for him to ever move on.



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  • I agree, I want Mary Blake to actually live!
    And, slightly ridiculous as it may sound, I want her to be the kind of mother who can sit down to dinner with her boys and not even care if they held hands at the table. :) <3

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  • She is very pretty and I can appreciate an inmense strenght of character in her, which she would definitely need not only to deal with the daily dangers her career will bring but to also face life after a tragedy that took her husband and son. I am glad to hear of a dedicated mother who is still trying her best to keep her remaining son safe and actually trying to maintain or develop a loving relationship with him.

    It seems like the Raythe Universe is allergic to keeping mothers alive or good for too long. So I'm hoping this one makes it through lol She also looks incredibly weary and tired, like the weight of the world is on her shoulders. I have so many feels for her already!

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  • I like her. Raythe, please let this one live. Please?

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