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rr sun moon cover 01 1


Can two worlds come together when they are separated by the light?

  • This reminds me of a song I heard it went like "When the sun loves the moon even the ocean fears her pull" It was a very beautiful song.

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  • How beautiful!

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  • Can't wait for the two of them to finally meet. Chapter 4 lends me to believe that they will meet at the pub since the one who owns it knows both of them. I don't think the owner hired Declan on pity for a "human".

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  • Ahhhh oh my god I'm so excited for this new story ? all your characters are so handsome and I can't wait to see what chaos will ensue. Excited to see where this goes ??❤️?????

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  • Scientifically speaking the Moon takes its light from the Sun ,and we can have both celestial objects on the sky at the same time, so.....I will just shut up now and enjoy the story!

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  • In reply to: Mina2000

    Yes but technically you can say the light is different because the light bouncing off the moon is not nearly as strong and the moon and night in general effect the earth differently in comparison to the sun during the day. The moon effects the tidal waves and it is substantially cooler at night then it is when day. The moon cycles throughout the month where the sun is fixed. The moon rotates around us and we rotate the sun, an eclipse is a rare thing and doesn't stay for very long so ultimately it changes very little and has no consequence to are planet as a whole. (Though I could be wrong I haven't heard of anything in regards to an eclipse other then people looking at it cause it's cool and it's bound to happen due to the earth and moons movements) The sun brings heat (and fire in excess). It can even carry water because of precipitation. If the planet stopped moving rn and we where fixed to have the moon on one side and the sun on the other half. The planet would be desserts with little water and random fires breaking out on one side and the other would freeze and have a much more substantial amount of water due to the moon's gravitational pull, a great deal of that water being ice. Of course there would also be a weird medium in between but I'm unsure if it would be calm with semi unchanging weather or if it would have massive storms due to the opposite temperature winds meeting. That sent me down a loop hole but perhaps this helps keeping a logical path to how their magic is different✨?

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  • So pretty! Can't wait to read more about them!

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  • Omg, these illustrations are so breathtaking! The details are beyond exquisite!!

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