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rr eos char koth01 3



Commander Khoth Voor has a heavy weight on his shoulders. He is the son of the Leader of the Illuminen Alliance and the protection of the known universe from the dreaded Swarm is his responsibility. One of the most gifted pilots of Precursor starships and skilled fighter, he is on the front lines against an enemy that knows no pity and wishes to destroy all sentient life and leave silence in its wake.

With such a deadly enemy, the last thing he wants or needs is to deal with is the newest--and most primitive--member of the Illumen Alliance: Earth and the humans.  But Jace Parker appears to have a greater connection to the Precursor technology that is their only real defense against the Swarm so Jace is now, most definitely, Khoth's problem. 

  • O-M-G, come to my arms you sexy alien!!!!

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  • I’m in love already.

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  • Gah he's pretty, damn.

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  • Love the overall look, but the braids are really my favorite. I'm really partial to the long hair and the elaborate braids and baubles just enhance everything. TLC

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  • Definitely seeing some parallels with Tsu'tey from Avatar. Great, detailed art, to boot! I love it!

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  • So basically a stubborn, stilted, emotionally constipated man trying to deal with everything that's already on his plate and a man who's finally getting to experience life for the first time (aka like a kid given free reign in a candy store)... Can't wait to see the chaos that ensues!

    Anyone else feel like were about to see the best fanfic of Kirk x Spock to ever be written? ;)

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  • A blue elf injected with da Chris Evans "hotness" gene. That is the "Ass of the Universe", right there folks!. I second the concern of Avid in that I see some echoes of Aethaden with the "heavy weight on his shoulders" comment. Koth looks more like the physical type, so I look forward to seeing how his personality develops.

    The character's appearance is just striking enough to appeal. I like the overall impact but if I was forced to pick a feature that stood out as most attractive, I would say his braids. The hair adds much-needed contrast and the braids add texture that reminds me of feathers.

    The blue skin and markings also remind me of the Na'vi from "Avatar." I'm getting all kinds of vibes about how this character might develop. I wonder if he might have sharp little fangs? That would be very cool. :)

    Most excellent design, milady! I look forward to reading this story when it comes out!

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  • Yeaaaaaaah! More characters to fall in love with!
    In exchange for ending the Elven King's Blade, i am demanding (ahhhhh... sheepishly requesting) you take us on this crazy good ride with you!
    Oh i have a feeling we will be "hang off cliffs" by twine so thin, the wind could snap it!
    I can tell this story is going to have me/us on the edge of our seats! Ppl are gonna be falling outta their beds/chair with this story!
    I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!
    Thank you in adavance for this!

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  • LAWD!!! That's a sexy beast right there ... bite'em on the butt and pray for lockjaw!!! Now that have written this now time for a tall glass of ice water to pour over my head. My Poor icemaker...not sure it can keep up in filling the bathtub. lol

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  • b... blue skin..... and braids in his hair........ *is suddenly very hot*..... just take my soul already I love you!!!

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