The Raythe Reign Times: December 2020

The Raythe Reign Times: December 2020

Catch up on what's happening at Raythe Reign for this month.  What's ending soon?  What's just getting started?  When is Raythe expecting to release her next book?

Scheduled FB Live / YT Live Readings & Dragon's Reign Podcast:

* Dec 19 & 26, Empire of Stars (FB Live, YT Live)

* Dec 5, Dragon's Reign (no room on schedule, will upload more though)

Book & Story News:

* THREE serials will end in Jan & Feb next year. Which means that three NEW serials will start!

* Cinders & Ashes 2 came out on November 20th and the reviews are also amazing.  Raythe is so excited people are liking this series so much.

* Members get books first and free during an exclusive download period before going up on Amazon. Next book is Cinders & Ashes 3 on February 27.

* The audiobook for Cinders & Ashes 1 is happening, but will come out Feb 1 by the earliest, unless there's an ACX miracle.

SECRET PROJECT is done for Members. We're creating the page for it this week. It will only be up for Members now for extended testing, but will come out for the general public next year.

Free Stuff

Cursed 1, Dec 3-7:
Bodyguard 1, Dec 17-21: 
25 audio codes for Members on Dec 12 through the blog

Community Space

* Really fun (and funny) FB discussions - check our page here:
* Members made a fan Discord server!  Lots of activity already: 


Check out the amazing Dragon's Reign artwork done by Alexandra at around 8:12 on the YT video.  It will be in the fan art gallery on the site too.  Here's her IG: 
There is also fan art on the Discord!

What are YOUR merch ideas? What do you have a burning desire to buy from the RR shop? We want you to tell us what you'd like to see.
Reader Discussion: Cinders & Ashes Series


smint45 on Tuesday, 01 December 2020 05:23

My first idea for merchandise would be a big wall calendar with mathias art that would be so amazing!!!!

My first idea for merchandise would be a big wall calendar with mathias art :) that would be so amazing!!!!
Guest - jamee on Thursday, 24 December 2020 22:08

This sounds awesome!

This sounds awesome!
Guest - Corey on Tuesday, 06 April 2021 22:34

Is the discord still available! New member would love to join

Is the discord still available! New member would love to join
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