10 Years Is Not Enough


I recorded some thoughts, Kat composed music and then she whipped it altogether into a brilliant little video that discusses how much Raythe Reign has meant to me, all the people who are a part of making it real, and, of course, thanking all of you for your support over the years. So please check it out if you have a chance!  And remember to get your FREE copy of Date A Vampire.com Vol. 1 (code is in your email or email me if you can't find it!) this week!

Endings & Beginnings
Raythe Reign's 10th Anniversary!


robrebob on Tuesday, 03 December 2019 16:39

Brilliant. It's been almost two years since I discovered the relative abundance of positive LGBT literature available to readers. When I was younger there was such of dearth of LGBT fiction and the only gay characters were either evil or killed off. I remember then discovering and reading the Cursed series and how beautifully written it was. When I discovered the Raythe Reign website I was blown away. As I looked through it I could not believe what a wealth of writing and art and fellow reader and author comments existed. Some in plain sight and some hidden away in little nooks and crannies of the website waiting to be discovered.

Raythe Reign is more than a website, it is an experience. It is organic and dynamic; both kickass and badass. It is groundbreaking and way ahead of its time. Who on earth would think of allowing dedicated readers to proof upcoming books? Who would have readers give comments at the end of chapters of web series? Many of the comments being as interesting as the series itself. What other author does a podcast of web series reading her own stories to fans. Reading in a way that you feel you are gathered around her like children in front of a fireplace as she reads from a large book with pictures. What other author can come up with as many different subgenres and make each one unique and so fascinating? Raythe Reign rocks.

Brilliant. It's been almost two years since I discovered the relative abundance of positive LGBT literature available to readers. When I was younger there was such of dearth of LGBT fiction and the only gay characters were either evil or killed off. I remember then discovering and reading the Cursed series and how beautifully written it was. When I discovered the Raythe Reign website I was blown away. As I looked through it I could not believe what a wealth of writing and art and fellow reader and author comments existed. Some in plain sight and some hidden away in little nooks and crannies of the website waiting to be discovered. Raythe Reign is more than a website, it is an experience. It is organic and dynamic; both kickass and badass. It is groundbreaking and way ahead of its time. Who on earth would think of allowing dedicated readers to proof upcoming books? Who would have readers give comments at the end of chapters of web series? Many of the comments being as interesting as the series itself. What other author does a podcast of web series reading her own stories to fans. Reading in a way that you feel you are gathered around her like children in front of a fireplace as she reads from a large book with pictures. What other author can come up with as many different subgenres and make each one unique and so fascinating? Raythe Reign rocks.
JunnGerl on Tuesday, 10 December 2019 05:47

Thank you for sharing. Wonderful story and stories!

Thank you for sharing. Wonderful story and stories!
aurora0821 on Saturday, 14 December 2019 14:46

Just had to go back and look. I have been a member. Although a quiet lerking one foe many years lol. Since 3/2010. So what date did you really start. Thats when i found you by accident and. Also found i was not abnormal fot liking to read supernatural fiction. No matter the relationships. But have to admit. Love yours most because its fantastic w stories. That yes have some sex. But the characters are developed and stories are not just smut. TheRe is nothing wrong with some smut lol. But i love your stories. Your character who i love to love and even hate . Its fun for me lately as i am feeling more comfortable to engage with you and our other readers. I am having fun trying to think were you are taking us. And love reading everyone elses opinion on what they think. So ty for nearly a decade of fun. As you can see i am going to be life long reader.


Just had to go back and look. I have been a member. Although a quiet lerking one foe many years lol. Since 3/2010. So what date did you really start. Thats when i found you by accident and. Also found i was not abnormal fot liking to read supernatural fiction. No matter the relationships. But have to admit. Love yours most because its fantastic w stories. That yes have some sex. But the characters are developed and stories are not just smut. TheRe is nothing wrong with some smut lol. But i love your stories. Your character who i love to love and even hate . Its fun for me lately as i am feeling more comfortable to engage with you and our other readers. I am having fun trying to think were you are taking us. And love reading everyone elses opinion on what they think. So ty for nearly a decade of fun. As you can see i am going to be life long reader. Xoxo
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