Endings & Beginnings

News_Blo_20190212-233255_1 Endings & Beginnings!

So we are at the beginning of another year. 2020! Can you believe it? I definitely can't and those few checks I have to write always have the wrong year on them. But one thing I love about the beginning of a new year is that I get to tell you guys all of the incredible things that we are planning in the months to come! You can read or listen to this new info!

Two New Serials! 

 I expect to start two new serials this year. The first will begin likely in March after the end of The Fell and/or The Elven King's Blade. This, of course, also means that these beloved long-running serials are ending. I always feel sad about this, but...

This new serial is one I am so very excited about, because it takes us back out into space! The serial will be called Empire of Stars. Think of it as a mix of Mass Effect and Star Trek with a fantastic romance threaded throughout. We'll be seeing art of this in the next month or so.

The second serial I expect to start this year will begin after Ever Dark ends, which will make sense as it takes place after the events of that serial ends. It's called Ever Dark Academy. And I think just from the title some of you will guess what its going to be about generally.

The Vampire's Club Novel Series Ends 

I'm working hard on Volume 6, which will be out in February 2020. Book 7 will be the final book and should be out in April or beginning of May. I've loved writing this and I can honestly say that I already miss it. But a whole new novel series will begin after it called, Ashes & Cinders, which will be a high fantasy retelling of Cinderella. Expect that series to start in Fall 2020.

The Dark Earth Manga Series Ends 

T. Wolv is almost done with Volume 11 of The Dark Earth. This will be the final book in this manga series. It goes a different way than the serials did and wraps up the story on Earth, leaving open the possibility for more, but I think this will be a great show stopper!

DateAVampire.com Volume 3 

That it hasn't started and/or finished is because I have Mathia working on a super-secret project that we will share with you later in the year. Mathia will be going back to this manga once we're deeper into this project.

Facebook and Youtube 

This is more a current event, but we've been doing fun polls over on Facebook. People have told us what videogame they would like to see as a new Netflix series after The Witcher did so well or whether they like champagne or not. If you want to get in on the fun, be sure to like our page.

We're continuing the popular Dragon's Reign podcast, which you guys, as members, get in advance, but you can also listen to earlier chapters on Youtube. We would love it if you would subscribe there as well.

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10 Years Is Not Enough