Khoth's "Junk" & Other Sensual Matters...

Help_Blog Help Me With Alien Peen!


So the time has come to talk about alien penis. Yes, alien penis. This is a serious topic that deserves all of our attention!  It is to advance science...

But, in all seriousness, I want to hear your thoughts not just about what Khoth's junk might look like, but mating and other sexual practices you think the Thaf'ell might have!

You can get as detailed or general as you want. Tell me what you think in the comments down below. I may take all of what you suggest, some of it, or I might go off the rails and go in some crazy different direction. 

I want to hear from the hive mind! For those of you who are new, Khoth is the alien commander and lover in Empire of Stars, which you can read right now!

The Raythe Reign Times: March 2021


Guest - Rose Petit Frere (website) on Saturday, 20 February 2021 18:26

Hmmm ...he should be ribbed or something to provide more pleasure ......should have a characteristic that can only be accomplished when mating his true One.

Hmmm ...he should be ribbed or something to provide more pleasure ......should have a characteristic that can only be accomplished when mating his true One.
Guest - wiccacat18 on Saturday, 20 February 2021 18:48

That is a good point and might add to the hot-ness of the chapter.

That is a good point and might add to the hot-ness of the chapter.
Guest - HanM on Thursday, 25 February 2021 03:57

Maybe the characteristic that Khoth's species should have when mating their true one would be a swelling knot that ties them together for a set amount of time. It would be interesting to hear the conversation that accompanies this when both of them are surprised by the swelling knot.

Maybe the characteristic that Khoth's species should have when mating their true one would be a swelling knot that ties them together for a set amount of time. It would be interesting to hear the conversation that accompanies this when both of them are surprised by the swelling knot. ;) ;) ;)
hiladrox on Saturday, 20 February 2021 18:35

Physically, Khoth does not seem that different from Jace or any other human other than his skin color and ears. We could assume that Koth and his people are part of a larger pan human species that populate the galaxy and we therefore have similar physicality and biology. I would hope his “junk” would be similar in most ways with allowances made for his overall larger size. If there are any notable differences it would be with mating rituals. Khoth would probably be an intense and highly focused lover with a technique bordering on Tantric.

Physically, Khoth does not seem that different from Jace or any other human other than his skin color and ears. We could assume that Koth and his people are part of a larger pan human species that populate the galaxy and we therefore have similar physicality and biology. I would hope his “junk” would be similar in most ways with allowances made for his overall larger size. If there are any notable differences it would be with mating rituals. Khoth would probably be an intense and highly focused lover with a technique bordering on Tantric.
BreeBear on Friday, 05 March 2021 23:12

I totally agree! They are such a closed and withdrawn people in society that I imagine they can get very intense and inventive in the bedroom, as that is the one place they can be highly emotional and it be okay.

I totally agree! They are such a closed and withdrawn people in society that I imagine they can get very intense and inventive in the bedroom, as that is the one place they can be highly emotional and it be okay.
Guest - wiccacat18 on Saturday, 20 February 2021 18:48

I have read a story where the another talks about this kind of thing. In it she made it so the junk came out of a gray pouch like part on the front of the body. And outside of the color and size wasn't really different to the human biology of it. I also read a fan story that merman kind of thing where the front would spilt open and the junk would come out of that. As far as mating rituals go I have heard so many. Some include asking for a "god" of some kind to bless the pair, others fight for who would be on top, dinner and eating the right things, ect. Humans are one to look into when it comes down to that. We do have a lot of mating rituals that we have used though-out history. Some of them might have come from the stars for all we know. I would say to make Khoth's junk to fit his larger size body.

I have read a story where the another talks about this kind of thing. In it she made it so the junk came out of a gray pouch like part on the front of the body. And outside of the color and size wasn't really different to the human biology of it. I also read a fan story that merman kind of thing where the front would spilt open and the junk would come out of that. As far as mating rituals go I have heard so many. Some include asking for a "god" of some kind to bless the pair, others fight for who would be on top, dinner and eating the right things, ect. Humans are one to look into when it comes down to that. We do have a lot of mating rituals that we have used though-out history. Some of them might have come from the stars for all we know. I would say to make Khoth's junk to fit his larger size body.
camarill on Saturday, 20 February 2021 18:56

This may be totally irrelevant : my OC in my webtoon is a supernatural seamammal creature, half-man, half-octopus. His groin is open (like a dolphin's or whale) and he has eight tentacles pouring out of it... One of them is actually a male sexual organ though it doesn't look different from the others when he's, huh, quiet. But he can control them and makes them the shape he wishes, so they can go from a simple finger to a really great tentacle, when he's hunting for example. And of course, once he's inside his beloved fisherman (human) he can change the size or the shape to pleasure him the best during the intercourse. Also, this yokai is blue (he looks a little like Koth, but it's a coincidence, really, I started drawing it before seeing Koth) and his tentacles are usually a pale violet; but when he get excited they turn to a dark red. He can also 'grow' suckers. On the back side, he's like a human, and with a sensitive prostate - or something similar.

This may be totally irrelevant :D: my OC in my webtoon is a supernatural seamammal creature, half-man, half-octopus. His groin is open (like a dolphin's or whale) and he has eight tentacles pouring out of it... One of them is actually a male sexual organ though it doesn't look different from the others when he's, huh, quiet. But he can control them and makes them the shape he wishes, so they can go from a simple finger to a really great tentacle, when he's hunting for example. And of course, once he's inside his beloved fisherman (human) he can change the size or the shape to pleasure him the best during the intercourse. Also, this yokai is blue (he looks a little like Koth, but it's a coincidence, really, I started drawing it before seeing Koth) and his tentacles are usually a pale violet; but when he get excited they turn to a dark red. He can also 'grow' suckers. On the back side, he's like a human, and with a sensitive prostate - or something similar.
keith on Saturday, 20 February 2021 19:08

YES FINALLY, a very important discussion!!!! XD I'm looking forward to read everyone's ideas!

I'd like to mention beforehand that while I think we can and should be imaginative with alien dicks, we have to be careful to not make it ridiculous, and to not put people off either. It has to be coherent, and hot. While I'm happy to find completely extravagant genitalia in PWP xeno fanfics, for an actual story and a character like Khoth, maybe let's not be *too* crazy lol.
That being said, let's go! (those ideas are mostly what we discussed already in the live reading a while ago)

- First, the no brainer: Khoth's cock is bigger than human's. I mean, that's a given right?
- Next, I would suggest that his dick is not completely smooth but has some texture, some raised pattern. All the more sensations for Jace!
- I personally love knotting. I'd be happy if he can do that (but I don't know if everyone likes it)
- Maybe his dick can do some circular motion?
- His semen could have aphrodisiac properties and increase pleasure
- He could self-lubricate
- He could form a telepathic bond with his partner during sex 
- His tongue could reach further than human tongues

If people are interested in TENTACLES, here is an idea: instead of balls, he could have a mass of tendrils beneath his cock. The tendrils would massage or penetrate the partner during the act (they could massage Jace's balls while Khoth is... well I'm sure you get the picture)

Now for the sexual behavior... we know Thaf'ell hide their emotions all the time while in public and even with their close family. But everyone needs to let go of their emotions once in a while... It could be interesting if culturally, Thaf'ell only ever express emotions with their mate. When they are intimate with the loved one could be the only moment in their daily life where it's allowed and encourage to get all the emotions out. As a result, Thaf'ell get VERY INTENSE when they mate!! And they usually mate for life, because unveiling your emotions to another person is a very intimate act and creates a very string bond between the two.

YES FINALLY, a very important discussion!!!! XD I'm looking forward to read everyone's ideas! I'd like to mention beforehand that while I think we can and should be imaginative with alien dicks, we have to be careful to not make it ridiculous, and to not put people off either. It has to be coherent, and hot. While I'm happy to find completely extravagant genitalia in PWP xeno fanfics, for an actual story and a character like Khoth, maybe let's not be *too* crazy lol. That being said, let's go! (those ideas are mostly what we discussed already in the live reading a while ago) - First, the no brainer: Khoth's cock is bigger than human's. I mean, that's a given right? - Next, I would suggest that his dick is not completely smooth but has some texture, some raised pattern. All the more sensations for Jace! - I personally love knotting. I'd be happy if he can do that (but I don't know if everyone likes it) - Maybe his dick can do some circular motion? - His semen could have aphrodisiac properties and increase pleasure - He could self-lubricate - He could form a telepathic bond with his partner during sex  - His tongue could reach further than human tongues If people are interested in TENTACLES, here is an idea: instead of balls, he could have a mass of tendrils beneath his cock. The tendrils would massage or penetrate the partner during the act (they could massage Jace's balls while Khoth is... well I'm sure you get the picture) Now for the sexual behavior... we know Thaf'ell hide their emotions all the time while in public and even with their close family. But everyone needs to let go of their emotions once in a while... It could be interesting if culturally, Thaf'ell only ever express emotions with their mate. When they are intimate with the loved one could be the only moment in their daily life where it's allowed and encourage to get all the emotions out. As a result, Thaf'ell get VERY INTENSE when they mate!! And they usually mate for life, because unveiling your emotions to another person is a very intimate act and creates a very string bond between the two.
Dragonsflame1354 on Saturday, 20 February 2021 19:26

You aren’t alone on loving knotting..I love all of your ideas.

You aren’t alone on loving knotting..I love all of your ideas.
RedHeadPhotog on Sunday, 21 February 2021 04:16

I love all these ideas as well.

I love all these ideas as well.
wiccacat18 on Sunday, 21 February 2021 08:40

I love a good number of you ideas. And I agree about the size as it should be a given. As far a knotting goes really it is hot if the stories I have read where it happens. But maybe it should only happen if they are going to mate mate. After all we already know that the Thaf'ell can do it without loving each other. Not trying to rain on your ideas just pointing out something that might play a part of wither or not knotting can or should be able to be done.

I love a good number of you ideas. And I agree about the size as it should be a given. As far a knotting goes really it is hot if the stories I have read where it happens. But maybe it should only happen if they are going to mate mate. After all we already know that the Thaf'ell can do it without loving each other. Not trying to rain on your ideas just pointing out something that might play a part of wither or not knotting can or should be able to be done.
Mel-Vanni on Tuesday, 23 February 2021 00:02

Everything you said, I completely agree with! It would be so fun!!!

Everything you said, I completely agree with! It would be so fun!!!
Tlcatlady on Wednesday, 24 February 2021 02:39

I'm completely with you on both the texture factor and on knotting. I think Jace would thoroughly enjoy would also be cool if the Osiris's alterations to Jace included something uniquely sexually beneficial to Khoth too.

I want the sexual experiences for both to always be intense and emotional since in public situations the Thafell appear so reserved.

I'm completely with you on both the texture factor and on knotting. I think Jace would thoroughly enjoy would also be cool if the Osiris's alterations to Jace included something uniquely sexually beneficial to Khoth too. I want the sexual experiences for both to always be intense and emotional since in public situations the Thafell appear so reserved.
Guest - HanM on Thursday, 25 February 2021 04:13

Jace could have enhanced stamina in the bedroom. Maybe the alterations lead him to be singularly focused on the pleasure of both him and Khoth, enough so that he basically "drains Khoth dry", complete and utter exhaustion. I think it would be a little funny if Khoth had to call a halt because he had no energy or cum left

Jace could have enhanced stamina in the bedroom. Maybe the alterations lead him to be singularly focused on the pleasure of both him and Khoth, enough so that he basically "drains Khoth dry", complete and utter exhaustion. I think it would be a little funny if Khoth had to call a halt because he had no energy or cum left
keith on Thursday, 25 February 2021 08:19

oh HELL YES!!! Enhanced stamina and multiple orgasms that leave Khoth completely exhausted!!! LOVE IT!

oh HELL YES!!! Enhanced stamina and multiple orgasms that leave Khoth completely exhausted!!! LOVE IT!
Linchen on Saturday, 20 February 2021 20:26

For me it's the same like Dragonsflame1354 or keith.
I like knotting and nearly all others ideas. Only tentacles aren't too much my thing.
Maybe his genitals are a bit other formed. Like thin at the tip and thick at the base or with different bumps in the middle.
The idea with the release of emotions with your mate for Thaf'ell behaviour is wonderful and I think it would be suit Khot.

For me it's the same like Dragonsflame1354 or keith. I like knotting and nearly all others ideas. Only tentacles aren't too much my thing. Maybe his genitals are a bit other formed. Like thin at the tip and thick at the base or with different bumps in the middle. The idea with the release of emotions with your mate for Thaf'ell behaviour is wonderful and I think it would be suit Khot.
wildroseriver on Saturday, 20 February 2021 20:57

Along the lines of ribbed. How about circles of muscle at certain intervals from base to tip that have the ability to vibrate or pulse during mating. At the end of mating depending on the emotional connection of the couple they would swell to lock the couple in place for a few moments. During that "locked period" an empathic/telepathic connection can be reached between lovers. As the lovers are together longer this empathic sense is able to be reached during times of stress or happiness where they can sense their mate. However, this link is so rare its thought to be myth. Most Thaf'ell are unable to connect enough to their emotional half to reach this state with their mate. It is considered sacred and couples who have obtained this connection are thought to be blessed.

Along the lines of ribbed. How about circles of muscle at certain intervals from base to tip that have the ability to vibrate or pulse during mating. At the end of mating depending on the emotional connection of the couple they would swell to lock the couple in place for a few moments. During that "locked period" an empathic/telepathic connection can be reached between lovers. As the lovers are together longer this empathic sense is able to be reached during times of stress or happiness where they can sense their mate. However, this link is so rare its thought to be myth. Most Thaf'ell are unable to connect enough to their emotional half to reach this state with their mate. It is considered sacred and couples who have obtained this connection are thought to be blessed.
wiccacat18 on Sunday, 21 February 2021 08:43

Now this is something I haven't come across my self. And I already love the idea big time. This would be sweet to and add something more the normal. This is thinking outside the box.

Now this is something I haven't come across my self. And I already love the idea big time. This would be sweet to and add something more the normal. This is thinking outside the box.
Linchen on Sunday, 21 February 2021 13:33

When I read your idea I thought wow, that's perfect.
I really really like your idea.
And maybe those pairs are so rare because the Thaf'ell thinks so highly of themselve and don't look at the other species?

When I read your idea I thought wow, that's perfect. I really really like your idea. And maybe those pairs are so rare because the Thaf'ell thinks so highly of themselve and don't look at the other species?
ipodpixie on Saturday, 20 February 2021 21:38

I was thinking that he could have an additional tube that shoots a type of pre cum that relaxes, lubricates and heightens pleasure for their partners. It would have that effect no matter the orifice. This could lead to additional things like his penis being wider and maybe him even having a third testicle.

I was thinking that he could have an additional tube that shoots a type of pre cum that relaxes, lubricates and heightens pleasure for their partners. It would have that effect no matter the orifice. This could lead to additional things like his penis being wider and maybe him even having a third testicle.
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