Help Me Build Some Dragons!

FeaturedStory_Blog Help Me Build Some Dragons!

As you know there are nine Dragon Shifters in Dragon's Reign, but these are the only ones I've actually talked about: 

Dragon King Valerius

Spirit: Raziel

Color: Black

Size: Titanic

Power: Fire plus others undiscovered.

Main Seat of Power: US


Spirit: Iolaire

Color: White

Size: Small

Power: Ice plus others undiscovered.

Main Seat of Power​: None

Dragon Queen Esme

Spirit: Scylla

Color: Blue

Size: Medium

Power: Water plus others undiscovered.

Main Seat of Power: UK

Dragon Queen Mei

Spirit: Xipil

Color: Crimson

Size: Medium

Power: Magma plus others undiscovered.

Main Seat of Power: China

Dragon King Illarion

Spirit: Mephous

Color: Green

Size: Titanic

Power: Poison plus others undiscovered.

Main Seat of Power: Russia

​That leaves us FOUR Dragon Shifters unaccounted for.  And I want you to help me design them. We did this a while ago but so much has changed, so I wanted to give us a fresh chance to design the other four.  How do we do this?

In the comments, please answer the following:

1. Dragon King or Queen Name

2. Name of Spirit

3. Coloring of Dragon

4. Size of Dragon (Small, Medium, Large, Titanic)

5. Power(s)

6. Personality of Human and Spirit

7. Appearance of Human Form

8. Main Seat of Power

Once we figure out the rest of the Dragon Shifters, I am going to request Mathia Arkoniel, our amazing artist, to paint all of them. Mathia is hard at work on DateAVampire Volume 3, so the illustrations will take some time, but we'll get them all.  

I cannot wait to see what you come up with!  Have fun!

What Comes After Sanctuary 2?
Video Walkthrus of Raythe Reign


Ravenmok on Monday, 11 March 2019 20:51

Or is He?!? His Councilor would agree.

Well, He would have a majordomo.. A Unicorn perhaps.

The black Unicorn

Or is He?!? His Councilor would agree. Well, He would have a majordomo.. A Unicorn perhaps. The black Unicorn
Guest - Keil on Monday, 11 March 2019 02:50

1. King Calder (Norse - means cold harsh waters)
2. Name of Spirit: Asta (Norse - means beautiful)
3. Coloring of Dragon: Rose Gold
4. Size of Dragon: Titanic
5. Powers: Life
6. Personality of Human: Calder is cynical yet hopeful. Asta is like a warm, protective mother bear.
7. Appearance of Human Form: Calder is a beautiful young man. He was around 15-16 when turned, just on the cusp of manhood. He has icy white hair, pale blue eyes, and fair skin. The only color on his person comes from a smattering of pale brown freckles across his body.
8. Main seat of power: Antarctica

Backstory: The men of Calder’s village were away at war, Calder was left behind as he wasn’t quite old enough to enter the battle. Charged with keeping his village safe as one of the older boys left, Calder was horrified when a contingent of soldiers attacked, making his village their base camp. The oldest of the boys were quickly disposed of as potential threats. Calder’s beauty worked both for and against him. He was spared the fate many of the older boys suffered but like many of the women fell prey to the soldier’s lust. Despite these atrocities Calder was watchful for his chance to strike until a soldier reached for Bjorn, a younger boy that had always tagged behind Calder on his adventures. Crazed with rage, Calder unleashed his fury on the soldiers… and Asta released her flames.

Current Story: Calder and Bjorn (who received the spirit of a polar bear in his early 30s) live with the descendants of their original village in Antarctica, allowing Asta to protect them in her pocket of warmth and life from the harsh environment of Antarctica. After the destruction of the opposing soldiers Calder became a hero and god among his Norsemen, the same people he still protects. Which was fine until the much older (and very handsome) Bjorn began to treat him with the same respect. Calder’s ultimate goal is to make Bjorn look beyond his young looks to the old soul trapped within. He has no use for Caden other than what jealousy he might be able to inspire from Bjorn

1. King Calder (Norse - means cold harsh waters) 2. Name of Spirit: Asta (Norse - means beautiful) 3. Coloring of Dragon: Rose Gold 4. Size of Dragon: Titanic 5. Powers: Life 6. Personality of Human: Calder is cynical yet hopeful. Asta is like a warm, protective mother bear. 7. Appearance of Human Form: Calder is a beautiful young man. He was around 15-16 when turned, just on the cusp of manhood. He has icy white hair, pale blue eyes, and fair skin. The only color on his person comes from a smattering of pale brown freckles across his body. 8. Main seat of power: Antarctica Backstory: The men of Calder’s village were away at war, Calder was left behind as he wasn’t quite old enough to enter the battle. Charged with keeping his village safe as one of the older boys left, Calder was horrified when a contingent of soldiers attacked, making his village their base camp. The oldest of the boys were quickly disposed of as potential threats. Calder’s beauty worked both for and against him. He was spared the fate many of the older boys suffered but like many of the women fell prey to the soldier’s lust. Despite these atrocities Calder was watchful for his chance to strike until a soldier reached for Bjorn, a younger boy that had always tagged behind Calder on his adventures. Crazed with rage, Calder unleashed his fury on the soldiers… and Asta released her flames. Current Story: Calder and Bjorn (who received the spirit of a polar bear in his early 30s) live with the descendants of their original village in Antarctica, allowing Asta to protect them in her pocket of warmth and life from the harsh environment of Antarctica. After the destruction of the opposing soldiers Calder became a hero and god among his Norsemen, the same people he still protects. Which was fine until the much older (and very handsome) Bjorn began to treat him with the same respect. Calder’s ultimate goal is to make Bjorn look beyond his young looks to the old soul trapped within. He has no use for Caden other than what jealousy he might be able to inspire from Bjorn
Guest - Keil on Monday, 11 March 2019 02:51

1. King Eugene (means born lucky in Greek)
2. Name of Spirit: Barak (means lightening in Greek)
3. Coloring of Dragon: Purple mane and tail. Grey body. Very sleek and catlike. Reminiscent of the Chinese dragon.
4. Size of Dragon: Medium
5. Powers: Lightening and Luck
6. Personality of Human: Eugene has a devil-may-care attitude. He laughingly throws himself at the world in challenge and aside from a few scrapes tends to come out on top. Barak is Eugene’s more serious counterpoint. He is very focused on securing power and ‘pretties.’ As one of the smaller dragons, the pair focus more on cleverness than outright power. There is a devious and genius brain hidden behind the smooth talking mouth of this pair.
7. Appearance of Human Form: Eugene is image of a swashbuckling pirate, a time he was very fond of. He has lush dark hair the falls to the small of his back, often it is braided with various beads and feathers. He occasional hides small knifes and lockpicks among the braids. His skin is a warm caramel color and his eyes the deep gold of the coins he loves to collect. He is incredibly handsome not just in looks but in personality. His flashing eyes and quick grin practically beg you to join in on his mischief.
8. Main seat of power: He controls much of what used to be considered ancient Greece.

Backstory: No one is exactly sure how the mischievous Eugene joined with his dragon, Barak, but everyone knows that he is trouble. He throws himself into life in a way many of the dragons did not. While the other dragons cemented their seats of power within the walls of a castle or fortress, Eugene was trying his hand a pirating or there was one that one memorable time as a pig farmer. He was a terrible pig farmer. It didn’t last long. Oftentimes he would put people into power because it was fun to do so at the time. Look how far Julies Caesar made it! Of course, the man was offed by his senate so maybe don’t look to him as the best example. Because of his penchant for backing strong figures he became a symbol of rising power, much like a white stag marks the beginning of an adventure, his influence marks the beginning of a new power player on the worlds stage.

Current Story: Eugene is kissed by luck. Or so he thought. He likes to collect pretties you see. And last time he was visiting the Dragon Queen Mei (she calls it trespassing but semantics) he saw the prettiest pair of Koi fish. Of course he had to have them! It was hell getting them out of China and back to his territory. Then the damned creatures turned into a pair of twin children who creepily finish each others sentences and now they do nothing but nag at him to do this and don’t do that. He must return them. That is the only reason he’s going to this shindig. Give Mei back her creepy Koi and go back to his fun… but then he notices a beautiful blonde… and he does like his pretty things.

1. King Eugene (means born lucky in Greek) 2. Name of Spirit: Barak (means lightening in Greek) 3. Coloring of Dragon: Purple mane and tail. Grey body. Very sleek and catlike. Reminiscent of the Chinese dragon. 4. Size of Dragon: Medium 5. Powers: Lightening and Luck 6. Personality of Human: Eugene has a devil-may-care attitude. He laughingly throws himself at the world in challenge and aside from a few scrapes tends to come out on top. Barak is Eugene’s more serious counterpoint. He is very focused on securing power and ‘pretties.’ As one of the smaller dragons, the pair focus more on cleverness than outright power. There is a devious and genius brain hidden behind the smooth talking mouth of this pair. 7. Appearance of Human Form: Eugene is image of a swashbuckling pirate, a time he was very fond of. He has lush dark hair the falls to the small of his back, often it is braided with various beads and feathers. He occasional hides small knifes and lockpicks among the braids. His skin is a warm caramel color and his eyes the deep gold of the coins he loves to collect. He is incredibly handsome not just in looks but in personality. His flashing eyes and quick grin practically beg you to join in on his mischief. 8. Main seat of power: He controls much of what used to be considered ancient Greece. Backstory: No one is exactly sure how the mischievous Eugene joined with his dragon, Barak, but everyone knows that he is trouble. He throws himself into life in a way many of the dragons did not. While the other dragons cemented their seats of power within the walls of a castle or fortress, Eugene was trying his hand a pirating or there was one that one memorable time as a pig farmer. He was a terrible pig farmer. It didn’t last long. Oftentimes he would put people into power because it was fun to do so at the time. Look how far Julies Caesar made it! Of course, the man was offed by his senate so maybe don’t look to him as the best example. Because of his penchant for backing strong figures he became a symbol of rising power, much like a white stag marks the beginning of an adventure, his influence marks the beginning of a new power player on the worlds stage. Current Story: Eugene is kissed by luck. Or so he thought. He likes to collect pretties you see. And last time he was visiting the Dragon Queen Mei (she calls it trespassing but semantics) he saw the prettiest pair of Koi fish. Of course he had to have them! It was hell getting them out of China and back to his territory. Then the damned creatures turned into a pair of twin children who creepily finish each others sentences and now they do nothing but nag at him to do this and don’t do that. He must return them. That is the only reason he’s going to this shindig. Give Mei back her creepy Koi and go back to his fun… but then he notices a beautiful blonde… and he does like his pretty things.
Guest - Keil on Monday, 11 March 2019 03:11

These go with my previous entries! I just found the stories I'd written in the previous blog:

King Eugene:

“And we’ve made it!” Eugene landed with a gentle thump, shaking out his tail and wings before extending his right wing, making a ramp for the two small beings atop his back. “Now get off.”
“No need –”
“To be so hasty.” Min and Jin slowly made their way down his wing. After reaching the ground both began to gently straighten the others clothes and hair. Like mirror images of the other, the twins continued to talk down to Eugene even from their much lower position.
“Such a brutish thing-”
“Flying. It always messes-”
“Our hair.” Both twins turned to glare at him with their dark, slanted eyes. Their bright coral kimonos now settled, both twins turned to him and scowled.
“So creepy.” Eugene shuttered. “So evil.” The children grinned up at Eugene, their smiles demon-like.
“Fault.” They said.
“It truly was an unfortunate mistake.” Eugene groaned as he transformed back to his human from. He’d only been in Queen Mei’s territory for a day. A single day! And he’d found something pretty. Two shiny Koi swimming in her inner garden. Of course he’d taken them! He was a pirate dammit! And they were shiny and their scales had been the most beautiful mixture of white, black, and coral. They’d been hell to get home but so worth it when he’d installed their tank in his living area… until they’d transformed into the hellions before him. The twin Chinese children were incredibly strict and demanding. Do this, don’t do that, that’s not proper, don’t walk around naked! For 15 years he’d put up with their damned demands! It was no wonder Mei hadn’t come after them! They were more trouble than they were worth! And then she’d banned him from her territory, making it impossible for Eugene to return the brats.
“We need-”
“To be going now-”
“or else-”
“we’ll be late.” The twins looked up at him expectantly. Eugene shuttered again. Did he mention they were creepy as all get out? Finishing each others sentences, tilting their heads in the exact same way… staring at him with those soulless fish eyes?
“You know, if you’d just comb your hair overs your eyes and meow like a cat you two would make a killing in horror movies?” Eugene threw over his shoulder as he marched past them. The two followed behind him, cackling to each other. “I’m returning you. I know that Mei is coming to this thing too and you guys can be her problem again. I’m done.”
Eugene grinned as the children ran up on either side of him, each taking one of his hands. Slowing his stride to match their, Eugene brought his head forward and starred down the crowd that had gathered around the palaces outer wall. Maybe he’d keep the children for a bit longer. He did like his pretties after all.

King Calder:

Walking up to the bed with it’s sleeping figure Calder took a deep breath and sat down. Lightly touching the hand lying next to him, Calder marveled at the rich texture of scars and callous. Looking up he smiled watching as Bjorn’s pale hair moved with his sleeping breaths. Much like his namesake he slept like a bear in deep hibernation. A beautiful bear… but a bear none-the-less.
“Bjorn.” Calder called, moving his hand up to shake his shoulder. “Bjorn!”
“Wha- I got it! Who’s it?” Bjorn shot up in the bed, his hand automatically reaching for his sword. Calder snorted. His friend also woke like a poked bear.
“It’s time to go.” Calder said before rising off the bed and tucking his robe around him. Bjorn glared at him through his mass of hair. His pale green eyes were slits and his strong jaw clenched.
“Why?” Bjorn growled, surly as ever.
“Because I have a mate to woo.” Calder remarked, picking a bit of non-existent lint of his shoulder. Bjorn’s growl turned deeper, darker, and more feral. Calder didn’t let the smile he felt tugging at his lips show.
The day he was chosen by Asta was the greatest day of his life… it let him save the one he loved. They’d both been young, Bjorn twelve and Calder fifteen, when the soldiers had invaded their village. Their fathers and the other men had been away, fighting in some land across the mountain pass. It was a massacre. Women raped, children butchered. When the women were finally too broken to be of any use to the soldiers they’d turned their lustful eyes on the remaining children. That Calder had survived that long could only be attributed to two things, his small stature and beauty. That beauty didn’t last long as he was passed among the men, beaten and bruised. That’s when the first man had grabbed Bjorn.
Screaming Calder had jumped on the mans back, tearing at his eyes and biting at every bit of exposed flesh he could reach with the last of his strength. Other soldiers had jumped him, pulling him from the now blind man’s back.
“I’ll kill you all! I’ll kill you! Leave him alone!” The soldiers had laughed… but not for long. It was as if Oden had heard his war cry and answered his blood-soaked prayers. The soldiers lay in broken pieces around him when Calder came back to his senses… and Asta, his golden Valkyrie, had looked on the carnage with grim satisfaction.
“Calder!” Calder looked up Bjorn, the past falling away into present day. “You can’t seriously want that- that child as your mate!” As soon as the words left his lips Calder knew Bjorn regretted them. Staring into the handsome face of his childhood friend, Calder felt his heart twinge. The day Asta had chose him had been the greatest day of his life… and the worst. Calder hadn’t grown or aged since the day he was chosen. He was a man forever frozen in the body of a child.
“I’m sorry, my warrior.” Asta whispered in his head. Calder sighed and answered Asta and Bjorn at the same time.
“What’s done is done.” Pushing a hank of his own long blond hair behind his ears, Calder turned away from Bjorn’s sputtering and walked out of the room. He hadn’t given up, he merely had a new plan. If he could get even the slightest interest from this ‘mate’ maybe it would finally drag Bjorn out of his stupidity and make him realize how much he loved Calder, despite his child-like form.
“He will come around.” Asta assured. Her golden presence wrapping around his soul and giving him warmth.
“He has to.” Calder whispered back as he walked to a window, starring out to the barren white wasteland of his territory. “He has to.”

These go with my previous entries! I just found the stories I'd written in the previous blog: King Eugene: “And we’ve made it!” Eugene landed with a gentle thump, shaking out his tail and wings before extending his right wing, making a ramp for the two small beings atop his back. “Now get off.” “No need –” “To be so hasty.” Min and Jin slowly made their way down his wing. After reaching the ground both began to gently straighten the others clothes and hair. Like mirror images of the other, the twins continued to talk down to Eugene even from their much lower position. “Such a brutish thing-” “Flying. It always messes-” “Our hair.” Both twins turned to glare at him with their dark, slanted eyes. Their bright coral kimonos now settled, both twins turned to him and scowled. “So creepy.” Eugene shuttered. “So evil.” The children grinned up at Eugene, their smiles demon-like. “Your-” “Fault.” They said. “It truly was an unfortunate mistake.” Eugene groaned as he transformed back to his human from. He’d only been in Queen Mei’s territory for a day. A single day! And he’d found something pretty. Two shiny Koi swimming in her inner garden. Of course he’d taken them! He was a pirate dammit! And they were shiny and their scales had been the most beautiful mixture of white, black, and coral. They’d been hell to get home but so worth it when he’d installed their tank in his living area… until they’d transformed into the hellions before him. The twin Chinese children were incredibly strict and demanding. Do this, don’t do that, that’s not proper, don’t walk around naked! For 15 years he’d put up with their damned demands! It was no wonder Mei hadn’t come after them! They were more trouble than they were worth! And then she’d banned him from her territory, making it impossible for Eugene to return the brats. “We need-” “To be going now-” “or else-” “we’ll be late.” The twins looked up at him expectantly. Eugene shuttered again. Did he mention they were creepy as all get out? Finishing each others sentences, tilting their heads in the exact same way… staring at him with those soulless fish eyes? “You know, if you’d just comb your hair overs your eyes and meow like a cat you two would make a killing in horror movies?” Eugene threw over his shoulder as he marched past them. The two followed behind him, cackling to each other. “I’m returning you. I know that Mei is coming to this thing too and you guys can be her problem again. I’m done.” Eugene grinned as the children ran up on either side of him, each taking one of his hands. Slowing his stride to match their, Eugene brought his head forward and starred down the crowd that had gathered around the palaces outer wall. Maybe he’d keep the children for a bit longer. He did like his pretties after all. King Calder: Walking up to the bed with it’s sleeping figure Calder took a deep breath and sat down. Lightly touching the hand lying next to him, Calder marveled at the rich texture of scars and callous. Looking up he smiled watching as Bjorn’s pale hair moved with his sleeping breaths. Much like his namesake he slept like a bear in deep hibernation. A beautiful bear… but a bear none-the-less. “Bjorn.” Calder called, moving his hand up to shake his shoulder. “Bjorn!” “Wha- I got it! Who’s it?” Bjorn shot up in the bed, his hand automatically reaching for his sword. Calder snorted. His friend also woke like a poked bear. “It’s time to go.” Calder said before rising off the bed and tucking his robe around him. Bjorn glared at him through his mass of hair. His pale green eyes were slits and his strong jaw clenched. “Why?” Bjorn growled, surly as ever. “Because I have a mate to woo.” Calder remarked, picking a bit of non-existent lint of his shoulder. Bjorn’s growl turned deeper, darker, and more feral. Calder didn’t let the smile he felt tugging at his lips show. The day he was chosen by Asta was the greatest day of his life… it let him save the one he loved. They’d both been young, Bjorn twelve and Calder fifteen, when the soldiers had invaded their village. Their fathers and the other men had been away, fighting in some land across the mountain pass. It was a massacre. Women raped, children butchered. When the women were finally too broken to be of any use to the soldiers they’d turned their lustful eyes on the remaining children. That Calder had survived that long could only be attributed to two things, his small stature and beauty. That beauty didn’t last long as he was passed among the men, beaten and bruised. That’s when the first man had grabbed Bjorn. Screaming Calder had jumped on the mans back, tearing at his eyes and biting at every bit of exposed flesh he could reach with the last of his strength. Other soldiers had jumped him, pulling him from the now blind man’s back. “I’ll kill you all! I’ll kill you! Leave him alone!” The soldiers had laughed… but not for long. It was as if Oden had heard his war cry and answered his blood-soaked prayers. The soldiers lay in broken pieces around him when Calder came back to his senses… and Asta, his golden Valkyrie, had looked on the carnage with grim satisfaction. “Calder!” Calder looked up Bjorn, the past falling away into present day. “You can’t seriously want that- that child as your mate!” As soon as the words left his lips Calder knew Bjorn regretted them. Staring into the handsome face of his childhood friend, Calder felt his heart twinge. The day Asta had chose him had been the greatest day of his life… and the worst. Calder hadn’t grown or aged since the day he was chosen. He was a man forever frozen in the body of a child. “I’m sorry, my warrior.” Asta whispered in his head. Calder sighed and answered Asta and Bjorn at the same time. “What’s done is done.” Pushing a hank of his own long blond hair behind his ears, Calder turned away from Bjorn’s sputtering and walked out of the room. He hadn’t given up, he merely had a new plan. If he could get even the slightest interest from this ‘mate’ maybe it would finally drag Bjorn out of his stupidity and make him realize how much he loved Calder, despite his child-like form. “He will come around.” Asta assured. Her golden presence wrapping around his soul and giving him warmth. “He has to.” Calder whispered back as he walked to a window, starring out to the barren white wasteland of his territory. “He has to.”
kharris on Monday, 11 March 2019 04:44

*** Looks like this got cut off my first post***

1. King Eugene (Greek - means born lucky)
2. Name of Spirit: Barak (Greek - means lightening)
3. Coloring of Dragon: Purple mane and tail. Grey body. Very catlike. Reminiscent of Chinese dragon.
4. Size of Dragon: Medium
5. Powers: Lightening and Luck
6. Personality of Human: Eugene has a devil-may-care attitude. He laughingly throws himself at the world in challenge and aside from a few scrapes tends to come out on top. Barak is his more serious counterpart. As one of the smaller dragons these two rely on cleverness and ingenuity and a bit of luck to make up for their size. There is a brilliant mind behind the handsome face and smooth mouth of this pair.
7. Appearance of Human Form: Eugene is the image of a swashbuckling pirate, a time he liked very much. He has lush dark hair that falls to the small of his back. It is usually braided with beads and feathers and the occasional small knife or lock pick is hidden inside. His eyes are the warm gold of the coins he loves to collect. His flashing eyes and quick grin practically beg you to join in on his mischief.
8. Main seat of power: Most of what used to me ancient Greece.

Backstory: No one is sure how exactly the mischievous Eugene became a dragon, but they do know he is trouble. Eugene threw himself into life in a way the other dragons did not. While they cemented their power in castles and fortresses, he became pirate and sailed the seas or there was that one memorable time he was a pig farmer. He was a terrible pig farmer. It didn’t last long. Eugene and Barak are known to put people into power just for fun. Look at how far Julius Caesar made it! Of course, he was offed by his senate so maybe not the best example. Because of this penchant for backing strong characters the purple dragon became a symbol of rising power. Just like the white stag represents the beginning of an adventure the purple dragons influence represents the rise of a new power player on the worlds stage.

Current Story: Eugene is kissed by luck. Or so he thought. On his last visit to Queen Mei’s territory (She called it trespassing but semantics) be procured a set of koi fish from her inner garden. It was hell getting the Koi back to his territory but when the pair transformed into a pair of bossy Chinese children his life became worse than hell. They are constantly telling him what to do. His kleptomania of all things pretty had finally gotten the best of him. The only reason he Is attending this shindig is to return the twins back to Mei… then he sees a beautiful blond and his plans change. He does like his pretties after all.

*** Looks like this got cut off my first post*** 1. King Eugene (Greek - means born lucky) 2. Name of Spirit: Barak (Greek - means lightening) 3. Coloring of Dragon: Purple mane and tail. Grey body. Very catlike. Reminiscent of Chinese dragon. 4. Size of Dragon: Medium 5. Powers: Lightening and Luck 6. Personality of Human: Eugene has a devil-may-care attitude. He laughingly throws himself at the world in challenge and aside from a few scrapes tends to come out on top. Barak is his more serious counterpart. As one of the smaller dragons these two rely on cleverness and ingenuity and a bit of luck to make up for their size. There is a brilliant mind behind the handsome face and smooth mouth of this pair. 7. Appearance of Human Form: Eugene is the image of a swashbuckling pirate, a time he liked very much. He has lush dark hair that falls to the small of his back. It is usually braided with beads and feathers and the occasional small knife or lock pick is hidden inside. His eyes are the warm gold of the coins he loves to collect. His flashing eyes and quick grin practically beg you to join in on his mischief. 8. Main seat of power: Most of what used to me ancient Greece. Backstory: No one is sure how exactly the mischievous Eugene became a dragon, but they do know he is trouble. Eugene threw himself into life in a way the other dragons did not. While they cemented their power in castles and fortresses, he became pirate and sailed the seas or there was that one memorable time he was a pig farmer. He was a terrible pig farmer. It didn’t last long. Eugene and Barak are known to put people into power just for fun. Look at how far Julius Caesar made it! Of course, he was offed by his senate so maybe not the best example. Because of this penchant for backing strong characters the purple dragon became a symbol of rising power. Just like the white stag represents the beginning of an adventure the purple dragons influence represents the rise of a new power player on the worlds stage. Current Story: Eugene is kissed by luck. Or so he thought. On his last visit to Queen Mei’s territory (She called it trespassing but semantics) be procured a set of koi fish from her inner garden. It was hell getting the Koi back to his territory but when the pair transformed into a pair of bossy Chinese children his life became worse than hell. They are constantly telling him what to do. His kleptomania of all things pretty had finally gotten the best of him. The only reason he Is attending this shindig is to return the twins back to Mei… then he sees a beautiful blond and his plans change. He does like his pretties after all.
jack_444 on Monday, 11 March 2019 13:14

Laughed out loud at the bit about the koi fish turning into bossy kids. Hahaha.

Laughed out loud at the bit about the koi fish turning into bossy kids. Hahaha.
Guest - Keil on Monday, 11 March 2019 15:40

Glad I made you laugh!

Glad I made you laugh! :D
elementalelf on Monday, 11 March 2019 14:59

Yes! Here's my favorite carp-stealing pirate! Yay, Keil (kharris?)! I do like Calder too, yes, but Eugene rocks it.

I toyed with doing a luck-talent dragon, because who doesn't love the Neverending story?

I also thought a dragon power of "bloodcalling"--like a redcap, if you know the sidhe? Either/or having the talent to call blood through open wounds, or being able to rip open old wounds, to make them fresh again. So there you go. You make the best dragons!

Yes! Here's my favorite carp-stealing pirate! Yay, Keil (kharris?)! I do like Calder too, yes, but Eugene rocks it. I toyed with doing a luck-talent dragon, because who doesn't love the Neverending story? I also thought a dragon power of "bloodcalling"--like a redcap, if you know the sidhe? Either/or having the talent to call blood through open wounds, or being able to rip open old wounds, to make them fresh again. :) So there you go. You make the best dragons!
Guest - Keil on Monday, 11 March 2019 15:42

Awe thanks! And I think a blood calling dragon would be both cool and creepy. Definitely a bad guy... Or misunderstood good guy? So many possibilities!

And yeah I was signed in for one of my posts and not for the others. Therefore the name change happened. Oops. 😁

Awe thanks! And I think a blood calling dragon would be both cool and creepy. Definitely a bad guy... Or misunderstood good guy? So many possibilities! And yeah I was signed in for one of my posts and not for the others. Therefore the name change happened. Oops. 😁
kharris on Monday, 11 March 2019 17:06

Awe thanks! And I think a blood-calling dragon would be very cool and creepy. Definitely a villain... or a misunderstood good guy? So many possibilities!

And yeah I was signed in on one of my posts and not on the others. Therefore the name change. Oops!

Awe thanks! And I think a blood-calling dragon would be very cool and creepy. Definitely a villain... or a misunderstood good guy? So many possibilities! And yeah I was signed in on one of my posts and not on the others. Therefore the name change. Oops! :D
elementalelf on Monday, 11 March 2019 17:24

I think a blood-calling dragon could be heroic but tested by darkness... because I'd imagine that such a power would be like having low-grade bloodlust, all the time... or a really nasty villain, who revels in fountains of blood! Whee!

BTW, I meant to ask before: are you are writer? I love these little stories for your dragons. If you have work up anywhere, I'd love to read it.

I think a blood-calling dragon could be heroic but tested by darkness... because I'd imagine that such a power would be like having low-grade bloodlust, all the time... or a really nasty villain, who revels in fountains of blood! Whee! ;) BTW, I meant to ask before: are you are writer? I love these little stories for your dragons. If you have work up anywhere, I'd love to read it.
kharris on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 00:57

The villain was right where my head went! lol

And thank you! I haven't written in a long (went to college, got out of college, became a grown up... life. lol) and I'm only now starting to dabble back in it with fan fiction like this. I'm hoping to pick it back up again and work on my own stories once the right inspiration comes along. Most of my stuff is locked inside Word on my computer as bits and bobs that need proper polishing before I unleash them on the unsuspecting public.

The villain was right where my head went! lol And thank you! I haven't written in a long (went to college, got out of college, became a grown up... life. lol) and I'm only now starting to dabble back in it with fan fiction like this. I'm hoping to pick it back up again and work on my own stories once the right inspiration comes along. Most of my stuff is locked inside Word on my computer as bits and bobs that need proper polishing before I unleash them on the unsuspecting public. :)
ebbigloi000 on Monday, 11 March 2019 23:06

I love Eugene! I'm so glad you reposted this because he was my favorite entry the first time around. Although, I seem to recall you wrote a second short story about him? About how he became a dragon shifter? I'd love to read that one again, too. You are a very talented writer.

(I love Calder, too, by the way.)

What? How dare you accuse me of playing favorites! I would never!

I love Eugene! I'm so glad you reposted this because he was my favorite entry the first time around. Although, I seem to recall you wrote a second short story about him? About how he became a dragon shifter? I'd love to read that one again, too. You are a very talented writer. (I love Calder, too, by the way.) What? How dare you accuse me of playing favorites! I would never!
kharris on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 01:04

Awe thanks! I'm partial to Eugene too so no judgement. lol And I'll see if I can find the other story. I had to rework it because I remember one of the commenters telling me that pirating began after the 9 dragons had already bonded. Originally I'd had Eugene as a South American pirate named Rowan. Now he's a Greek entrepreneur. If I can find it I'll post it underneath.

Awe thanks! I'm partial to Eugene too so no judgement. lol And I'll see if I can find the other story. I had to rework it because I remember one of the commenters telling me that pirating began after the 9 dragons had already bonded. Originally I'd had Eugene as a South American pirate named Rowan. Now he's a Greek entrepreneur. If I can find it I'll post it underneath. :)
kharris on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 01:06

Found it! Also remembered I changed his color to purple now that he's Eugene. He was green in this one, which was already taken.

“All this for one little pretty?” Rowan muttered as he stared into the rolling sea beyond the plank his crew had set him on. The plank moved up and down with the gentle swaying of the ship. The sun beat down on Rowan’s head, heating the top of his black mop of hair. Amber eyes scanned his surroundings, taking in the angry pirates that stared back at him. He’d drunk and caroused with these men. Taken up swords and fought with them at his back. Their highs had been his, their lows and sadness, their laughs and tears. He’d been a member of this crew since the moment he’d stolen away as a young lad… and now his family had condemned him to death.
Looking over the heads of his shipmates Rowan grimaced. Tim, the young man he’d been caught with, leaned against the mast where he’d been tied. His back was raw and open where the cat o-nine-tails and ripped it to shreds. His labored breaths were harsh and wet. He hadn’t much longer for this world. Rowan felt a moment of guilt, but it quickly left him. Rowan hadn’t loved him and Tim hadn’t felt more for Rowan than a physical itch. They’d both known that being caught was a possibility when they’d held each other in the night… they just hadn’t expected to be caught so soon. Or the punishment to be so severe. A shuffling at the front of the crowd brought Rowan’s eyes back to the man he had considered his father for the past several years.
“Walk the plank, Rowan.” The craggy face of Lars was stern, his eyes haunted. He’d considered Rowan a son to him as well. Had he been the one to find Rowan this might have played out differently. But the captain hadn’t found them. Instead the vindictive first mate had… and here they were: Tim dying tied to the mast and Rowan on a plank staring down at the frothy waves beyond the swaying wood.
“So this is to be it then? The end of us?” Rowan smirked. He understood the business of pirates and thieves. Each man for themselves.
“It is.” Always a man of few words, Lars drew his pistol and pointed it at Rowan’s chest. “Now walk.”
Sauntering to the end of the plank, Rowan gave a jaunty salute and jumped off the end into the deep blue water below. He grinned when he heard the boom and felt the heat at his back as he slipped beneath the waves. The fuse he’d lit when he heard the first mate just as he’d rounded the corner had finally burned its way to the caskets of oil and gun powder in the ships belly.
Swimming deeper, Rowan avoided the burning oil at the top of the water and the bits of ship and broken crewmates that littered the water around him. Sharks would be coming soon, and he needed to put as much distance between himself and his former family as possible. Breaking the water much further away than most men would have been able to swim, Rowan grinned as he listened to the screams of the burning crew members slowly fade to silence. He’d followed Lar’s motto: Each man for themselves. Look out for numero uno first… Would he be proud of him if he’d still lived?
Rowan turned and began cutting through the waves. His inner compass pointing him in the direction of the small island he knew to be several miles north. Next time he decided to take a pretty he’d make sure he took out all possible obstacles beforehand.
“So cunning, so motivated… so cutthroat.” A voice hissed. Rowan paused, treading water as the waves bobbed him up and down.
“And?” He asked. He always knew he’d grow crazy sooner or later. Hearing voices was new but then so was patricide. It was a day of firsts.
“I’ll make it so no obstacle stands between us and our goal.” The voice coaxed.
“Sure.” Rowan grinned, white teeth flashing against his dark skin. And then his skin was green like emeralds, his arms lengthening to strong, black clawed talons and his teeth growing and sharpening to given even a great white something to envy. Flapping his mighty wings, Rowan and his new mental companion rose above the waves and into the sky.
“This will be fun.” Rowan hummed, feeling the strength in this new body.
“Yes…” The being inside him nudged their head, turning them to the land beyond the frothing sea. “And it will be ours.”

Found it! Also remembered I changed his color to purple now that he's Eugene. He was green in this one, which was already taken. “All this for one little pretty?” Rowan muttered as he stared into the rolling sea beyond the plank his crew had set him on. The plank moved up and down with the gentle swaying of the ship. The sun beat down on Rowan’s head, heating the top of his black mop of hair. Amber eyes scanned his surroundings, taking in the angry pirates that stared back at him. He’d drunk and caroused with these men. Taken up swords and fought with them at his back. Their highs had been his, their lows and sadness, their laughs and tears. He’d been a member of this crew since the moment he’d stolen away as a young lad… and now his family had condemned him to death. Looking over the heads of his shipmates Rowan grimaced. Tim, the young man he’d been caught with, leaned against the mast where he’d been tied. His back was raw and open where the cat o-nine-tails and ripped it to shreds. His labored breaths were harsh and wet. He hadn’t much longer for this world. Rowan felt a moment of guilt, but it quickly left him. Rowan hadn’t loved him and Tim hadn’t felt more for Rowan than a physical itch. They’d both known that being caught was a possibility when they’d held each other in the night… they just hadn’t expected to be caught so soon. Or the punishment to be so severe. A shuffling at the front of the crowd brought Rowan’s eyes back to the man he had considered his father for the past several years. “Walk the plank, Rowan.” The craggy face of Lars was stern, his eyes haunted. He’d considered Rowan a son to him as well. Had he been the one to find Rowan this might have played out differently. But the captain hadn’t found them. Instead the vindictive first mate had… and here they were: Tim dying tied to the mast and Rowan on a plank staring down at the frothy waves beyond the swaying wood. “So this is to be it then? The end of us?” Rowan smirked. He understood the business of pirates and thieves. Each man for themselves. “It is.” Always a man of few words, Lars drew his pistol and pointed it at Rowan’s chest. “Now walk.” Sauntering to the end of the plank, Rowan gave a jaunty salute and jumped off the end into the deep blue water below. He grinned when he heard the boom and felt the heat at his back as he slipped beneath the waves. The fuse he’d lit when he heard the first mate just as he’d rounded the corner had finally burned its way to the caskets of oil and gun powder in the ships belly. Swimming deeper, Rowan avoided the burning oil at the top of the water and the bits of ship and broken crewmates that littered the water around him. Sharks would be coming soon, and he needed to put as much distance between himself and his former family as possible. Breaking the water much further away than most men would have been able to swim, Rowan grinned as he listened to the screams of the burning crew members slowly fade to silence. He’d followed Lar’s motto: Each man for themselves. Look out for numero uno first… Would he be proud of him if he’d still lived? Rowan turned and began cutting through the waves. His inner compass pointing him in the direction of the small island he knew to be several miles north. Next time he decided to take a pretty he’d make sure he took out all possible obstacles beforehand. “So cunning, so motivated… so cutthroat.” A voice hissed. Rowan paused, treading water as the waves bobbed him up and down. “And?” He asked. He always knew he’d grow crazy sooner or later. Hearing voices was new but then so was patricide. It was a day of firsts. “I’ll make it so no obstacle stands between us and our goal.” The voice coaxed. “Sure.” Rowan grinned, white teeth flashing against his dark skin. And then his skin was green like emeralds, his arms lengthening to strong, black clawed talons and his teeth growing and sharpening to given even a great white something to envy. Flapping his mighty wings, Rowan and his new mental companion rose above the waves and into the sky. “This will be fun.” Rowan hummed, feeling the strength in this new body. “Yes…” The being inside him nudged their head, turning them to the land beyond the frothing sea. “And it will be ours.”
SurrealWitch on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 08:29

1 Queen Morrigan

2. draiodoir

3. Various shades of purple, that seems to shift like smoke

4. Medium. Smallest of the pre Caden dragons

5. Purple smoke with a hypnotic like effect. Sends breather into a dream state where they will do whatever Morrigan tells them and see and feel everything that happens is their vision as if it's real

6. Human uses her good looks and sensual character to get what she wants and disarm others. Spirit is playful and a trickster, think Loki but has a hard edge doesn't think twice about using their powers in anyway that will get the outcome they desire as their desires drive them.

7. Late 20s long black hair past her bum with waves and a Ravens feather like Sheen. Pale perfect skin. Always move's with exacting grace .

8. Brisbane Australia. Or some other Australia Asian tropical area. Maybe the Whitsundays. I see her as the most siren/Selkirk like one so needs to be white sand and beaches with tropical forests

1 Queen Morrigan 2. draiodoir 3. Various shades of purple, that seems to shift like smoke 4. Medium. Smallest of the pre Caden dragons 5. Purple smoke with a hypnotic like effect. Sends breather into a dream state where they will do whatever Morrigan tells them and see and feel everything that happens is their vision as if it's real 6. Human uses her good looks and sensual character to get what she wants and disarm others. Spirit is playful and a trickster, think Loki but has a hard edge doesn't think twice about using their powers in anyway that will get the outcome they desire as their desires drive them. 7. Late 20s long black hair past her bum with waves and a Ravens feather like Sheen. Pale perfect skin. Always move's with exacting grace . 8. Brisbane Australia. Or some other Australia Asian tropical area. Maybe the Whitsundays. I see her as the most siren/Selkirk like one so needs to be white sand and beaches with tropical forests
SurrealWitch on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 08:31

Also possible story plot. Opium is called chasing the dragon due to her. Before they came out to the world she use to play with people's dreams and hallucinations while they where in opium dens.

Also possible story plot. Opium is called chasing the dragon due to her. Before they came out to the world she use to play with people's dreams and hallucinations while they where in opium dens.
Ravenmok on Wednesday, 13 March 2019 01:54

Posting another idea

Dragon Queen Araceli

Spirit name : Cymodaes

Colour : Cadmium Yellow

Size : Large

Powers : Full body Camouflage/ tail tipped with poisonous barbs

Personality/ies : Araceli has a regal bearing and is used to being the centre of attention.
Araceli has a deep love for the natural world and will stop at nothing to
balance the cosmic scales. Cymodaes is somewhat indolent and lethargic
But vicious and patient when it comes to blows.

Appearance : Araceli is statuesque. Skin like charcoal, full red lips and deep blue eyes.

Seat of Power : Rio de Janeiro

Posting another idea Dragon Queen Araceli Spirit name : Cymodaes Colour : Cadmium Yellow Size : Large Powers : Full body Camouflage/ tail tipped with poisonous barbs Personality/ies : Araceli has a regal bearing and is used to being the centre of attention. Araceli has a deep love for the natural world and will stop at nothing to balance the cosmic scales. Cymodaes is somewhat indolent and lethargic But vicious and patient when it comes to blows. Appearance : Araceli is statuesque. Skin like charcoal, full red lips and deep blue eyes. Seat of Power : Rio de Janeiro
kittypride on Monday, 25 March 2019 03:52

Hi Raythe,
Not actually dragon related, but do you have any plans to continue the CRIMSON storyline in the future?

Hi Raythe, Not actually dragon related, but do you have any plans to continue the CRIMSON storyline in the future? :D
Raythe on Monday, 15 April 2019 20:27

I don't think so. But I never say never!

I don't think so. But I never say never!
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