Help Me Build-An-Alien


So for those of you who have been following along with Empire of Stars, you know that Jace and Khoth are about to meet with new aliens in the Alliance and ask them to join their crew!

I'm looking for help in designing these crew mates!

In the comments below, please put the following:







You can, of course, be as imaginative as you like! I may take part or all of what suggest. I am looking to be inspired and I'm sure that you won't let me down.



Sammarga17 on Tuesday, 19 January 2021 04:38


-As a race, they are very beautiful. Both females and males are over 6 ft tall. Their skin is iridescent. The Females being more the blue or the iridescence. The males being more purple of the iridescence. The royal family of the Thelzoit are yellow of the iridescence.
They are a warrior race and fierce in combat. But they value life above all things. If they need to, they will fight and are ruthlessness against their enemies. In a way they are a moral compass. Being extremely skilled in combat, but are also stronger than any human, very smart and learn quickly.


Seraphim is humanoid in appearance, but also very different. He is 7’3 with iridescent skin, with the yellow of the iridescent being more the focus. His eyes are a deep blue, with a touch of lilac purple in streaks near the center of his eye. He has black hair that is down to the middle of his back when not up. His hair however is always up. It is done in a tight, yet not a splitting headache bun. He has two braids, one coming from each temple and going into his bun. He is muscular, yet not over the top muscular.

As a Thelzoit, he is shy and quiet when you first meet him. Yet he is not to be underestimated. He shields himself with “walls” to keep himself safe and guarded from the emotional hurt others have given him from past experiences. One of these walls is the way he wears his hair. He never lets anyone outside his main circle see him with it down.Yet he is the fiercest amongst the Thelzoit. He is also very kind, caring, smart, funny, and romantic.
As the king of the Thelzoit, his people are what matter to him most. He will do anything to keep them safe.. even join Jace and Khoth. As king, he is right and just. Yet he also takes his people into consideration while making his decisions as king.

The Thelzoit have three powers, super strength, telekinesis, and teleportation. The Thelzoit as an individual only have one of these powers. While using said powers, their skin color becomes more prominent.
Seraphim, being king, has all three of the powers. While he uses these powers, his yellow iridescence is more prominent.

NAME OF CHARACTER: Seraphim SPECIES NAME: Thelzoit -As a race, they are very beautiful. Both females and males are over 6 ft tall. Their skin is iridescent. The Females being more the blue or the iridescence. The males being more purple of the iridescence. The royal family of the Thelzoit are yellow of the iridescence. They are a warrior race and fierce in combat. But they value life above all things. If they need to, they will fight and are ruthlessness against their enemies. In a way they are a moral compass. Being extremely skilled in combat, but are also stronger than any human, very smart and learn quickly. HOME PLANET: Thonzeron PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Seraphim is humanoid in appearance, but also very different. He is 7’3 with iridescent skin, with the yellow of the iridescent being more the focus. His eyes are a deep blue, with a touch of lilac purple in streaks near the center of his eye. He has black hair that is down to the middle of his back when not up. His hair however is always up. It is done in a tight, yet not a splitting headache bun. He has two braids, one coming from each temple and going into his bun. He is muscular, yet not over the top muscular. PERSONALITY: As a Thelzoit, he is shy and quiet when you first meet him. Yet he is not to be underestimated. He shields himself with “walls” to keep himself safe and guarded from the emotional hurt others have given him from past experiences. One of these walls is the way he wears his hair. He never lets anyone outside his main circle see him with it down.Yet he is the fiercest amongst the Thelzoit. He is also very kind, caring, smart, funny, and romantic. As the king of the Thelzoit, his people are what matter to him most. He will do anything to keep them safe.. even join Jace and Khoth. As king, he is right and just. Yet he also takes his people into consideration while making his decisions as king. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! The Thelzoit have three powers, super strength, telekinesis, and teleportation. The Thelzoit as an individual only have one of these powers. While using said powers, their skin color becomes more prominent. Seraphim, being king, has all three of the powers. While he uses these powers, his yellow iridescence is more prominent.
Sylfania on Tuesday, 19 January 2021 21:02

NAME OF CHARACTER: Elias (shortened from Elysaminos)


HOME PLANET: (Unknown origin)

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Elias is about 5 foot 2 and has a slim pre-teen like body. If observed from afar appears as a typical human child of about 10-14 years old. He has dark short black hair slicked back (spock-like) and neon blue eyes. A beautiful doll-like, almost artificial face with a neutral expression that is often mistaken for that of an android, but Elias is capable of emotion. He is always clothed in a skin tight irridescent suit that starts from his neck and ends at his shins and wrists. He levitates although he could walk just fine. If seen in a state of undress (never by anyone really) one would notice a lack of sexual organs as the Avos do not require them. However, after studying humanoids for a very long time he can expend some energy to modify his physical form to look like anything he wants when it suits him. This particular form is what Elias personally prefers.

PERSONALITY Elias has taken on the appearance of a child due to his extended interaction with humans and humanoid-like alien races. he finds that being short of stature and small does not attract attention and allows him to keep being underestimated by those who would be his enemies. As the nature of his race is to observe and safeguard, he is mostly calm in a variety of situations. He is always wary of displaying his control over energy infront of others as there were cases of some power-hungry warlords trying to use him as an eternal battery to power their warships. He is also careful not to be near any living planet when his energy levels reach the minimal threshold. He has destroyed a small mining colony planet in a distant galaxy with only dust remaining on the wind and so since then he is very careful about it. He finds humans fascinating, as their everchanging nature and curiosity for life as well as a miniscule life-span are one of the most rare and interesting events in the universe. He sometimes goes back to the galaxy he has slowly created once upon an eon ago, which now thrives with life, to observe and be fascinated. His dream is to find another avos that is wiling to merge and create a new life after observing how humans and other short lived races interact with their offspring and obtain a thing called "true love". While being a creature of eternity he has learned to live in the moment from his interaction with mortal races and now is willing to part with half of his energy and life span to create something new.

P.S Being with humans made him very sassy. Imagine a more expressive and childlike Mr. Spock but with an eternity to come up with sassy comebacks.

SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! His race the Avos are very rare across all the multiverses. The reason is that they are beings of immense energy in a small package. They control energy at a sub-atomic level, meaning that their levitation, telekinesis and other typical abilities for alien beings are only the surface. In all actuality they are capable of almost anything: from willing the cells in a body to knit themselves together to regenerate, to control over electricity and any other power source of the multidue of planets. There are rumours that the Avos are the ones who created the planets and so do not come from a particular one. Also rumoured that they came into being when the universe did in the great explosion of energy. The outer form of Avos was assumed due to their interaction with a lot of human-like races. To blend in. Beings of pure energy must have a particular shape to interact with the world. They are immensely old and impossible to destroy (like energy in general). They have a particular level of internal energy that they maintain to keep their physical form functioning. Once it reaches a low enough threshold (either due to external injuries or immense expenditure of energy like willing space dust to merge together and create a planet) they loose concious control and begin absorbing all nearby energy without discrimination. All matter in the universe is ultimately made up of energy so one such Avos "recharge" has been observed to disintigrate a full planetar moon and turn it into space dust. The Avos can reproduce but this does not involve any type of sexual intercourse. Production of offspring for Avos is as rare as it is dangerous. The two beings must merge together into a conciousness of primordial energy and then split into 3 parts. The danger comes from maintaining ones sense of self after the merge and split. If all goes well, the two Avos parents half their energy and life-span willingly to create a full grown new Avos which is the ultimate combination of the two. because it is such a volatile process, it has not been attempted for the last 30000 earth years.

NAME OF CHARACTER: Elias (shortened from Elysaminos) SPECIES NAME: Avos HOME PLANET: (Unknown origin) PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Elias is about 5 foot 2 and has a slim pre-teen like body. If observed from afar appears as a typical human child of about 10-14 years old. He has dark short black hair slicked back (spock-like) and neon blue eyes. A beautiful doll-like, almost artificial face with a neutral expression that is often mistaken for that of an android, but Elias is capable of emotion. He is always clothed in a skin tight irridescent suit that starts from his neck and ends at his shins and wrists. He levitates although he could walk just fine. If seen in a state of undress (never by anyone really) one would notice a lack of sexual organs as the Avos do not require them. However, after studying humanoids for a very long time he can expend some energy to modify his physical form to look like anything he wants when it suits him. This particular form is what Elias personally prefers. PERSONALITY Elias has taken on the appearance of a child due to his extended interaction with humans and humanoid-like alien races. he finds that being short of stature and small does not attract attention and allows him to keep being underestimated by those who would be his enemies. As the nature of his race is to observe and safeguard, he is mostly calm in a variety of situations. He is always wary of displaying his control over energy infront of others as there were cases of some power-hungry warlords trying to use him as an eternal battery to power their warships. He is also careful not to be near any living planet when his energy levels reach the minimal threshold. He has destroyed a small mining colony planet in a distant galaxy with only dust remaining on the wind and so since then he is very careful about it. He finds humans fascinating, as their everchanging nature and curiosity for life as well as a miniscule life-span are one of the most rare and interesting events in the universe. He sometimes goes back to the galaxy he has slowly created once upon an eon ago, which now thrives with life, to observe and be fascinated. His dream is to find another avos that is wiling to merge and create a new life after observing how humans and other short lived races interact with their offspring and obtain a thing called "true love". While being a creature of eternity he has learned to live in the moment from his interaction with mortal races and now is willing to part with half of his energy and life span to create something new. P.S Being with humans made him very sassy. Imagine a more expressive and childlike Mr. Spock but with an eternity to come up with sassy comebacks. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! His race the Avos are very rare across all the multiverses. The reason is that they are beings of immense energy in a small package. They control energy at a sub-atomic level, meaning that their levitation, telekinesis and other typical abilities for alien beings are only the surface. In all actuality they are capable of almost anything: from willing the cells in a body to knit themselves together to regenerate, to control over electricity and any other power source of the multidue of planets. There are rumours that the Avos are the ones who created the planets and so do not come from a particular one. Also rumoured that they came into being when the universe did in the great explosion of energy. The outer form of Avos was assumed due to their interaction with a lot of human-like races. To blend in. Beings of pure energy must have a particular shape to interact with the world. They are immensely old and impossible to destroy (like energy in general). They have a particular level of internal energy that they maintain to keep their physical form functioning. Once it reaches a low enough threshold (either due to external injuries or immense expenditure of energy like willing space dust to merge together and create a planet) they loose concious control and begin absorbing all nearby energy without discrimination. All matter in the universe is ultimately made up of energy so one such Avos "recharge" has been observed to disintigrate a full planetar moon and turn it into space dust. The Avos can reproduce but this does not involve any type of sexual intercourse. Production of offspring for Avos is as rare as it is dangerous. The two beings must merge together into a conciousness of primordial energy and then split into 3 parts. The danger comes from maintaining ones sense of self after the merge and split. If all goes well, the two Avos parents half their energy and life-span willingly to create a full grown new Avos which is the ultimate combination of the two. because it is such a volatile process, it has not been attempted for the last 30000 earth years.
Samanthasansing on Wednesday, 20 January 2021 05:38


SPECIES NAME: Thornack, a winged and horn race. They are born from hatching from an egg, there are male and female humanoid. It can take anywhere between two to five years for a laid egg to hatch. They can live up to five thousand years.

HOME PLANET: Tempest Howl, A mountainous, forest, ocean planet. Thornack live in floating city’s there are no stairs because they can fly.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Dark blue short hair , right eye sapphire blue left eye Gold. 5’9 in height, Sculpted muscular body has midnight color wings(like angel wings, she can retract them when she’s not using them) a Lightning shape horn that comes out on the center of her forehead (she can also retract the horn)

PERSONALITY: she’s a leader through and through. Calm, collected, hard working, doesn’t like putting others in danger so she takes more on herself even if it means she’s the one getting hurt. Fiercely protective of those who become her friends and dam loyal to those who have gained her trust, but doesn’t just give out easy.

She controls Lightning
Her Gold eye is proof she is royalty what a lot of people have forgot is that her sapphire blue eye is even rare because it is the mark of the true ruler of her people
(the the ability to see people’s aura with it as well as give Absolute command over her people). She usually when in princess mode wears a long dark blue wig and keeps her sapphire blue eye hidden behind her hair. When she is in pilot Z mode she wears an eye patch over the gold eye. The people she brings with her to Jaces crew are:
Nomid, and 6’5 male with short lights hair and green eyes with teal color wings, serious, kind and a loves to be order around by Zuna doesn’t like when she says please and thank you to him.
Trace, 6’0 male with long redish hair and sunlight wings all ways happy likes to crack jokes and gets told off by Nomid.
Brack, a 5’7 male with short dark hair hazel eyes and speckled wings, late kings best friend and Zuna teacher closes to a second father to her, and her lover Shy.

Extra stuff: Zuna is a princess 100 years old her uncle killed her father and mother. There is a small group that knows this, mostly close people to the late king and queen.

What her uncle doesn’t know is that she figured out what he had done and that she threw all the princess stuff away and trained in secret all the while trying to find Evidence of his crime. Her uncle is a sexist jerk in that he doesn’t think women amount for anything then laying eggs so he never sees it in his niece just how intelligent, strong, wise, and how much of a leader she is. Thanks to the help of those loyal to her father and mother Zuna becomes a pilot for the alliance but decided to join jaces crew because the alliance won’t increase the ships around her world.

She specializes in hand to hand combat and she’s one of their best pilots that goes by Z. She joins Jace crew as one of the pilots. She is together with a crew member Shy.




PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: humanoid 7’0 feet tall all muscles. Six arms, three purple eyes(third eye is on the forehead). Antenna that is usually soaked in a very special wax made by their people to protect the antenna.

PERSONALITY: quite(seriously doesn’t talk much). Highly Intelligent but doesn’t seem like it, he is a mechanic that can fix anything and everything and loves taking things apart to figure out how they tick. Gonna be the head mechanic for Jace‘s crew.

Psychic, berserker

Extra stuff: is completely head over heels in love with Zuna. She’s the only one who can calm down his berserker side. They met in the alliance twenty years prior to empire star and have been together ever since.

NAME OF CHARACTER: Princess Zuna SPECIES NAME: Thornack, a winged and horn race. They are born from hatching from an egg, there are male and female humanoid. It can take anywhere between two to five years for a laid egg to hatch. They can live up to five thousand years. HOME PLANET: Tempest Howl, A mountainous, forest, ocean planet. Thornack live in floating city’s there are no stairs because they can fly. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Dark blue short hair , right eye sapphire blue left eye Gold. 5’9 in height, Sculpted muscular body has midnight color wings(like angel wings, she can retract them when she’s not using them) a Lightning shape horn that comes out on the center of her forehead (she can also retract the horn) PERSONALITY: she’s a leader through and through. Calm, collected, hard working, doesn’t like putting others in danger so she takes more on herself even if it means she’s the one getting hurt. Fiercely protective of those who become her friends and dam loyal to those who have gained her trust, but doesn’t just give out easy. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! She controls Lightning Wings Her Gold eye is proof she is royalty what a lot of people have forgot is that her sapphire blue eye is even rare because it is the mark of the true ruler of her people (the the ability to see people’s aura with it as well as give Absolute command over her people). She usually when in princess mode wears a long dark blue wig and keeps her sapphire blue eye hidden behind her hair. When she is in pilot Z mode she wears an eye patch over the gold eye. The people she brings with her to Jaces crew are: Nomid, and 6’5 male with short lights hair and green eyes with teal color wings, serious, kind and a loves to be order around by Zuna doesn’t like when she says please and thank you to him. Trace, 6’0 male with long redish hair and sunlight wings all ways happy likes to crack jokes and gets told off by Nomid. Brack, a 5’7 male with short dark hair hazel eyes and speckled wings, late kings best friend and Zuna teacher closes to a second father to her, and her lover Shy. Extra stuff: Zuna is a princess 100 years old her uncle killed her father and mother. There is a small group that knows this, mostly close people to the late king and queen. What her uncle doesn’t know is that she figured out what he had done and that she threw all the princess stuff away and trained in secret all the while trying to find Evidence of his crime. Her uncle is a sexist jerk in that he doesn’t think women amount for anything then laying eggs so he never sees it in his niece just how intelligent, strong, wise, and how much of a leader she is. Thanks to the help of those loyal to her father and mother Zuna becomes a pilot for the alliance but decided to join jaces crew because the alliance won’t increase the ships around her world. She specializes in hand to hand combat and she’s one of their best pilots that goes by Z. She joins Jace crew as one of the pilots. She is together with a crew member Shy. NAME OF CHARACTER: Shy SPECIES NAME: Soltare HOME PLANET: Greenest PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: humanoid 7’0 feet tall all muscles. Six arms, three purple eyes(third eye is on the forehead). Antenna that is usually soaked in a very special wax made by their people to protect the antenna. PERSONALITY: quite(seriously doesn’t talk much). Highly Intelligent but doesn’t seem like it, he is a mechanic that can fix anything and everything and loves taking things apart to figure out how they tick. Gonna be the head mechanic for Jace‘s crew. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! Psychic, berserker Extra stuff: is completely head over heels in love with Zuna. She’s the only one who can calm down his berserker side. They met in the alliance twenty years prior to empire star and have been together ever since.
smint45 on Wednesday, 20 January 2021 18:36

Oh I'm so excited!!! So here comes my alien^^ I'm not very good at this build a character thing but I will try my best!!!

NAME OF CHARACTER: Kaahnel (male)

SPECIES NAME: Chamelia - A species of spies that is used by the alliance only as a tool like so many others. The Chamelia are a very nature centered species which lives in small nomadic groups.

HOME PLANET: Epinea - A planet covered completely in dense rainforest. Beautiful meat and human eating plants with purple calyx grow all over the place. It's a dangerous enviroment and the plants are often very poisonous.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: He is 6 foot 4 inces lage and humanoid in aperiance. His body is couvered in tiny scales that ware very hard and can change colour like an chamelion. Due to that fact his species is known for beeing spys. He default colouring is a light green similar to new leaves with darker green stripes. His eys are a store grey which change colour with very strong emotions. When he is aroused he tuns fist a light pink wich depens to a nearly glowing red when near orgasm.

PERSONALITY: He seems stand offish but that is only because he observes a lot which comes with the job as spy. He only talks when he really has to say something important and if that happens it is advised to listen to him. He is very intelligent and comes up with solid strategies. Since he worked as a spy he is privy to a lot of secrets that will help Jace. He is also a botanican that can brew poison and healing potions from various plants. The poisons he uses when he fights. He uses very small shurikens which he can hide in his scales and coates them with the poisons he brews. He is very adapt at fighting in close quarters and an asset to every infiltration plan.


Oh I'm so excited!!! So here comes my alien^^ I'm not very good at this build a character thing but I will try my best!!! NAME OF CHARACTER: Kaahnel (male) SPECIES NAME: Chamelia - A species of spies that is used by the alliance only as a tool like so many others. The Chamelia are a very nature centered species which lives in small nomadic groups. HOME PLANET: Epinea - A planet covered completely in dense rainforest. Beautiful meat and human eating plants with purple calyx grow all over the place. It's a dangerous enviroment and the plants are often very poisonous. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: He is 6 foot 4 inces lage and humanoid in aperiance. His body is couvered in tiny scales that ware very hard and can change colour like an chamelion. Due to that fact his species is known for beeing spys. He default colouring is a light green similar to new leaves with darker green stripes. His eys are a store grey which change colour with very strong emotions. When he is aroused he tuns fist a light pink wich depens to a nearly glowing red when near orgasm. PERSONALITY: He seems stand offish but that is only because he observes a lot which comes with the job as spy. He only talks when he really has to say something important and if that happens it is advised to listen to him. He is very intelligent and comes up with solid strategies. Since he worked as a spy he is privy to a lot of secrets that will help Jace. He is also a botanican that can brew poison and healing potions from various plants. The poisons he uses when he fights. He uses very small shurikens which he can hide in his scales and coates them with the poisons he brews. He is very adapt at fighting in close quarters and an asset to every infiltration plan. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF!
Vera_lemur on Friday, 22 January 2021 07:00

NAME OF CHARACTER: Chal Gilutu - Cha[like in char]ll {all one syllable, and NOT to use an “Aww” or an “ey” sound. a very southern ALL sound}
Gilutu - Gil-oo-two.

SPECIES NAME: Phosh - Fo[as in foster]-shh.

HOME PLANET: Pyteonu - Pie-tay-oh-new

-tree lizard/treefrog like features (I’m thinking more treefrog-esque, not a lizardish large belly. Bumped/scaled green-yellow skin with green and brown patterns, particularly down the ‘T’ of the face, and along the back and tail.)
-Prehensile tail (not species standard to be prehensile)
-semi retractable clawed six fingered hands. Which he uses as improvised tools.
-The toes, fingers, palms and bottoms of Phosh feet are a different color skin, as well as a different texture.
-Four front toes, two back toes; in a bird like configuration though his toes go left and right not front and back, and he walks a bit bow-legged. (bowleggedness is a Phosh standard.)

Chal is shorter than Jace by no more than a half inch, and that is debatable in his opinion, because Jace’s hair cannot be trusted (also in his opinion). Phosh are typically slender yet quite strong, they are built almost like a soccer player.

Chal has a skin disorder that causes the special skin pads on his hands and feet that SHOULD be able to stick to things, to not be able to adhere. His species of the Phosh are typically able to climb nearly any type of structure and even become totally inverted. He is viewed on his world as being disabled, like someone who can’t hear or who was born with no hands.

The Phosh have a tail that is a genetic leftover from when they primarily lived in canopies and was used for balance, but this became less and less relevant as they evolved. Chal has, in the absence of his ‘climbing skins’, worked diligently since being a small child to use his tail to assist him in climbing.

The Phosh tail is largely seen as aesthetic, and fashion sometimes includes a loop or sleeve in which one’s tail can be tucked away, particularly in industrial areas where a wayward tail can lead to injury or death. Tail movement is half instinctual, partially involuntary, and partially intentional.

-Horrifying sense of dark/lude humor
-Considers Engineering spaces his personal domain and has an odd love-hate relationship with machinery.
-Macgyver and Chal are unknowing BFFs with the same improv hobbies.
-Chal loves earth monkeys (instantly, as soon as he learns about them; primarily because of their tails) His reaction: O v Oat he would rather space them himself than find out they neglected a safety procedure that cost them their lives in some horrific way. (this being ironic as HELL. See above, he doesn’t wear a safety harness properly because he counts his tail as one of the securing straps and eats food in his spaces.)

Chal will work ludacris hours in his engine spaces by leaning heavily on stimulants, he will stubbornly brush off all official reprimands on the subject, and he will frequently make jokes that he’ll sleep when he’s dead, and he likes gambling with his ‘heart’ attack odds. Chal refers to various parts of the engine room to rude and lude things to describe issues or improvements.

Dialog examples:
“Is the fault fixed in the circuit board?” *Insert Phosh equivalent of ‘does a bear shit in the woods?’*

“We got in the new filter for our processor, and at first it didn’t fit, but I pounded it like a pleasure bot on Rountta-7 and now it’s tighter than Jace’s pants and working as smooth as Voor’s report throughput.”

Chal knows when to follow procedure and when to throw the rules out the window and do the risky thing to get the job done. He does not, however, ever let anyone take that risk but himself. On the few occasions where the options were: strand themselves with a hole in the ship if he did nothing, risk his life to get the ship operational again with the possibility that he makes a mistake and then there’s still that hole in a stranded ship? Chal has always sent every other engineer out of the spaces, mostly because he doesn’t want to risk anyone but him, partially he doesn’t want them to catch blame for what he does alone, partially because he doesn’t trust anyone else to know what to do but himself.

Chal does not delegate well, and his crew find him elbow deep in their jobs more often than not and the micromanaging is something that will be noted and he will need to grow out of, if he ever does.


Of note: Within the Navy, (and I speak from personal experience) the head of the engineering department is referred to as the Chief Engineer, or the CHENG. Engineers as a group are given the slang name ‘Snipes.’ So while the CHENG is a commissioned officer, his Title contains the word Chief, which is itself a title in enlisted ranks (only in the navy). The highest enlisted engineer is therefore given the title ‘Top Snipe’ sometimes, to avoid confusion, even though the ‘top snipe’ is usually a Senior Chief (E-8) or a Master Chief (E-9) in rank. (see how the word chief can get confusing in earth american navy?) The current rank that I envision Chal achieving is neither of these, given that he is too ‘unbalanced and unorthodox’ for the Thaf’ell leadership. How he would possibly be placed in the chain of command is largely depending on if he is ‘enlisted’ or ‘commissioned’ as these terms apply to the Alliance. Where he might end up filling in on the Osiris is something I look forward to seeing.

NAME OF CHARACTER: Chal Gilutu - Cha[like in char]ll {all one syllable, and NOT to use an “Aww” or an “ey” sound. a very southern ALL sound} Gilutu - Gil-oo-two. SPECIES NAME: Phosh - Fo[as in foster]-shh. HOME PLANET: Pyteonu - Pie-tay-oh-new PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: -tree lizard/treefrog like features (I’m thinking more treefrog-esque, not a lizardish large belly. Bumped/scaled green-yellow skin with green and brown patterns, particularly down the ‘T’ of the face, and along the back and tail.) -Prehensile tail (not species standard to be prehensile) -semi retractable clawed six fingered hands. Which he uses as improvised tools. -The toes, fingers, palms and bottoms of Phosh feet are a different color skin, as well as a different texture. -Four front toes, two back toes; in a bird like configuration though his toes go left and right not front and back, and he walks a bit bow-legged. (bowleggedness is a Phosh standard.) Chal is shorter than Jace by no more than a half inch, and that is debatable in his opinion, because Jace’s hair cannot be trusted (also in his opinion). Phosh are typically slender yet quite strong, they are built almost like a soccer player. Chal has a skin disorder that causes the special skin pads on his hands and feet that SHOULD be able to stick to things, to not be able to adhere. His species of the Phosh are typically able to climb nearly any type of structure and even become totally inverted. He is viewed on his world as being disabled, like someone who can’t hear or who was born with no hands. The Phosh have a tail that is a genetic leftover from when they primarily lived in canopies and was used for balance, but this became less and less relevant as they evolved. Chal has, in the absence of his ‘climbing skins’, worked diligently since being a small child to use his tail to assist him in climbing. The Phosh tail is largely seen as aesthetic, and fashion sometimes includes a loop or sleeve in which one’s tail can be tucked away, particularly in industrial areas where a wayward tail can lead to injury or death. Tail movement is half instinctual, partially involuntary, and partially intentional. PERSONALITY: -Horrifying sense of dark/lude humor -Considers Engineering spaces his personal domain and has an odd love-hate relationship with machinery. -Macgyver and Chal are unknowing BFFs with the same improv hobbies. -Chal loves earth monkeys (instantly, as soon as he learns about them; primarily because of their tails) His reaction: O v Oat he would rather space them himself than find out they neglected a safety procedure that cost them their lives in some horrific way. (this being ironic as HELL. See above, he doesn’t wear a safety harness properly because he counts his tail as one of the securing straps and eats food in his spaces.) Chal will work ludacris hours in his engine spaces by leaning heavily on stimulants, he will stubbornly brush off all official reprimands on the subject, and he will frequently make jokes that he’ll sleep when he’s dead, and he likes gambling with his ‘heart’ attack odds. Chal refers to various parts of the engine room to rude and lude things to describe issues or improvements. Dialog examples: “Is the fault fixed in the circuit board?” *Insert Phosh equivalent of ‘does a bear shit in the woods?’* “We got in the new filter for our processor, and at first it didn’t fit, but I pounded it like a pleasure bot on Rountta-7 and now it’s tighter than Jace’s pants and working as smooth as Voor’s report throughput.” Chal knows when to follow procedure and when to throw the rules out the window and do the risky thing to get the job done. He does not, however, ever let anyone take that risk but himself. On the few occasions where the options were: strand themselves with a hole in the ship if he did nothing, risk his life to get the ship operational again with the possibility that he makes a mistake and then there’s still that hole in a stranded ship? Chal has always sent every other engineer out of the spaces, mostly because he doesn’t want to risk anyone but him, partially he doesn’t want them to catch blame for what he does alone, partially because he doesn’t trust anyone else to know what to do but himself. Chal does not delegate well, and his crew find him elbow deep in their jobs more often than not and the micromanaging is something that will be noted and he will need to grow out of, if he ever does. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF!: Of note: Within the Navy, (and I speak from personal experience) the head of the engineering department is referred to as the Chief Engineer, or the CHENG. Engineers as a group are given the slang name ‘Snipes.’ So while the CHENG is a commissioned officer, his Title contains the word Chief, which is itself a title in enlisted ranks (only in the navy). The highest enlisted engineer is therefore given the title ‘Top Snipe’ sometimes, to avoid confusion, even though the ‘top snipe’ is usually a Senior Chief (E-8) or a Master Chief (E-9) in rank. (see how the word chief can get confusing in earth american navy?) The current rank that I envision Chal achieving is neither of these, given that he is too ‘unbalanced and unorthodox’ for the Thaf’ell leadership. How he would possibly be placed in the chain of command is largely depending on if he is ‘enlisted’ or ‘commissioned’ as these terms apply to the Alliance. Where he might end up filling in on the Osiris is something I look forward to seeing.
Vera_lemur on Friday, 22 January 2021 07:11

Again! Can't figure out how to make the visual references work, so here's my original Gdoc.

Again! Can't figure out how to make the visual references work, so here's my original Gdoc.
reeza on Thursday, 28 January 2021 17:50

NAME OF CHARACTER: Arif Allmari and Zari Zareff


HOME PLANET: Minos 3- planet mostly covered in nature (most plant life glows and looks like crystals). Towns are posted by areas that have water and lots of game animals. These towns are constructed of simple huts and buildings made out of/in trees.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: All the Osanians have legs resembling that of either the hind legs of a lion or goat and a tail. They also typically have pointed ears, claws, sharp teeth, and horns of some sort coming from the top/side of their heads. Both are lean and muscular.

Arif- black skin with short spikey white hair and pale blue eyes. 6'0 with lion-like hind legs ending in goat-like hooves and dusk blue horns with lighter blue and black spiral patterns around them. The horns start just after the beginning of the hairline and curve over his skull before pointing up right at the top of his head. Typically dressed in an open vest and harem pants. Has a white mark over his heart (left side) on his chest of interlocking crescent moons forming a broken circle with swirling patterns within the circle. His tail is similar to a lions but ends in a point similar to a spearhead.

Zari- bubblegum pink skin and slightly darker hair in short ringlets with emerald green eyes. The legs are the same as Arif's and he is 6'7. Horns are a dark red and come from the side of his head starting just after his hair and curls up part his ears along the side of his head then do a slight wave (down then up) until they're just past his head. Tail of a lion and the same mark over his heart as Arif. He dresses in harem pants and low-cut viking shirt that still shows off his mark.

PERSONALITY: Arif is a "look before you leap, consequences be damned" type person. He enjoys the fall and tends to figure things out on the fly. He's very curious and puts his hand in the fire, multiple times to see if he'd still be burned. Arif is outgoing, friendly, and seems to have an almost boundless amount of energy that makes him the perfect warrior until he suddenly crashes. Despite his sometimes ditzy attitude, he's very smart and is able to bring an out the box thinking and obvious insights others may miss.
Zari is the counter to Arif. He is also outgoing and friendly but more reserved than Arif. He is often the one to slap Arif's burned hand from the flames or help him stick the landing. Zari is a healer through and through and is charming as well as smart. He tends to get frustrated when a problem isn't working out the way he thinks it should and needs Arif to either simplify it or get him out of his headspace altogether.
Both are very cuddly around each other and can often be found cuddling by a fire or with Zari working on a new project while Arif sits quietly nearby sharpening a blade or napping.

SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF: each Osanian has a special gift (Zari with the ability to take others' emotions, specifically pain, into himself and Arif with telepathy) that is unique to them or their family line. They mate for life and cannot be separated, when one dies the other does as well. This bond is signified by a mark over their heart and no mark pair is the same. The marks are called "itzus". The Osanians can interact with nature no matter their gifts. Most of their features can be used for defense or offense purposes. They're also incredibly flexible and agile.

NAME OF CHARACTER: Arif Allmari and Zari Zareff SPECIES NAME: Osan HOME PLANET: Minos 3- planet mostly covered in nature (most plant life glows and looks like crystals). Towns are posted by areas that have water and lots of game animals. These towns are constructed of simple huts and buildings made out of/in trees. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: All the Osanians have legs resembling that of either the hind legs of a lion or goat and a tail. They also typically have pointed ears, claws, sharp teeth, and horns of some sort coming from the top/side of their heads. Both are lean and muscular. Arif- black skin with short spikey white hair and pale blue eyes. 6'0 with lion-like hind legs ending in goat-like hooves and dusk blue horns with lighter blue and black spiral patterns around them. The horns start just after the beginning of the hairline and curve over his skull before pointing up right at the top of his head. Typically dressed in an open vest and harem pants. Has a white mark over his heart (left side) on his chest of interlocking crescent moons forming a broken circle with swirling patterns within the circle. His tail is similar to a lions but ends in a point similar to a spearhead. Zari- bubblegum pink skin and slightly darker hair in short ringlets with emerald green eyes. The legs are the same as Arif's and he is 6'7. Horns are a dark red and come from the side of his head starting just after his hair and curls up part his ears along the side of his head then do a slight wave (down then up) until they're just past his head. Tail of a lion and the same mark over his heart as Arif. He dresses in harem pants and low-cut viking shirt that still shows off his mark. PERSONALITY: Arif is a "look before you leap, consequences be damned" type person. He enjoys the fall and tends to figure things out on the fly. He's very curious and puts his hand in the fire, multiple times to see if he'd still be burned. Arif is outgoing, friendly, and seems to have an almost boundless amount of energy that makes him the perfect warrior until he suddenly crashes. Despite his sometimes ditzy attitude, he's very smart and is able to bring an out the box thinking and obvious insights others may miss. Zari is the counter to Arif. He is also outgoing and friendly but more reserved than Arif. He is often the one to slap Arif's burned hand from the flames or help him stick the landing. Zari is a healer through and through and is charming as well as smart. He tends to get frustrated when a problem isn't working out the way he thinks it should and needs Arif to either simplify it or get him out of his headspace altogether. Both are very cuddly around each other and can often be found cuddling by a fire or with Zari working on a new project while Arif sits quietly nearby sharpening a blade or napping. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF: each Osanian has a special gift (Zari with the ability to take others' emotions, specifically pain, into himself and Arif with telepathy) that is unique to them or their family line. They mate for life and cannot be separated, when one dies the other does as well. This bond is signified by a mark over their heart and no mark pair is the same. The marks are called "itzus". The Osanians can interact with nature no matter their gifts. Most of their features can be used for defense or offense purposes. They're also incredibly flexible and agile.
mouridrakon on Saturday, 30 January 2021 23:51

NAME: Zayn Daher

SPECIES: Karkadann

HOME PLANET: Within the Tau Ceti system, on the planet classified by NASA as Ceti e; the inhabitants call their world Dajani

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Standing at 6’4”, Zayn Daher sports shoulder-length white-blue hair, tanned skin, bright blue eyes, and a crooked, white horn. Around the base of his horn is a white, eight-pointed star, fading into his chestnut skin. He is a lithe, agile 32-year-old Karkadann and tends to wear tight clothing with flowing cloth over top.

PERSONALITY: Zayn is the first son of the Dajani Chancellor. While he has the intelligence and wit to follow in his father’s footsteps, he damaged the reputation of his people and has instead chosen to step to the side. As a child, Zayn enjoyed playing with nanobots his people produced, mastering them early to the delight of many. However, young Zayn had the misfortune of displaying the Karkadann corruption during a visit from Alliance leadership. While Zayn’s father hosted the Alliance leadership, the young Zayn burst in, already upset. The Chancellor attempted to calm his child, but Zayn’s emotions only grew darker, until the corruption set in and he changed, right there in front of the Alliance representatives. His sudden cruelty, coldness, and violence shocked the Alliance, and they rescinded their recommendation to make use of the Karkadann people at all.

Now, as a young man, Zayn teaches children how to use and control the technology of their people. Though he has had many loves in his lifetime, he can never seem to settle. He trains constantly with their military, working his muscles and keeping in shape.

SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! Though the Karkadann race varies, they widely share the same base features: two arms, two legs, long pointed ears, a long thin tail, and a connection with the natural world around them. Though Karkadann are generally simple to get along with, they are easily swayed and corrupted by their unpredictable emotions. Due to this, Karkadann are not seen by the Alliance as stable, reliable warriors. The Karkadann have adapted and developed technology and are known as Technomages, performing “magic” with technology, mostly nanobots and the like.

[img][/img] NAME: Zayn Daher SPECIES: Karkadann HOME PLANET: Within the Tau Ceti system, on the planet classified by NASA as Ceti e; the inhabitants call their world Dajani PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Standing at 6’4”, Zayn Daher sports shoulder-length white-blue hair, tanned skin, bright blue eyes, and a crooked, white horn. Around the base of his horn is a white, eight-pointed star, fading into his chestnut skin. He is a lithe, agile 32-year-old Karkadann and tends to wear tight clothing with flowing cloth over top. PERSONALITY: Zayn is the first son of the Dajani Chancellor. While he has the intelligence and wit to follow in his father’s footsteps, he damaged the reputation of his people and has instead chosen to step to the side. As a child, Zayn enjoyed playing with nanobots his people produced, mastering them early to the delight of many. However, young Zayn had the misfortune of displaying the Karkadann corruption during a visit from Alliance leadership. While Zayn’s father hosted the Alliance leadership, the young Zayn burst in, already upset. The Chancellor attempted to calm his child, but Zayn’s emotions only grew darker, until the corruption set in and he changed, right there in front of the Alliance representatives. His sudden cruelty, coldness, and violence shocked the Alliance, and they rescinded their recommendation to make use of the Karkadann people at all. Now, as a young man, Zayn teaches children how to use and control the technology of their people. Though he has had many loves in his lifetime, he can never seem to settle. He trains constantly with their military, working his muscles and keeping in shape. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! Though the Karkadann race varies, they widely share the same base features: two arms, two legs, long pointed ears, a long thin tail, and a connection with the natural world around them. Though Karkadann are generally simple to get along with, they are easily swayed and corrupted by their unpredictable emotions. Due to this, Karkadann are not seen by the Alliance as stable, reliable warriors. The Karkadann have adapted and developed technology and are known as Technomages, performing “magic” with technology, mostly nanobots and the like.
Sirensong on Sunday, 31 January 2021 01:17

First of all, I'd just like to say how much I love the fact you're asking for alien ideas. I created Tiamara a decade and a half ago just cause and it's nice that she might finally be somewhere other than my head. Anyway,

Name: Tiamara

Species: Quinartan

Home Planet: Gone. A meteorite took it out a couple of centuries ago and they're been traveling in large pods ever since.

Physical Discription: 6' plus. Pure black (google vanta black) skin and hair (Tiamara wears hers long). Horse hooves for feet. Four fingered hands. No discernible mode of hearing. The only features on their face that can be seen are large jewel colored eyes. They don't bother with clothes as they are seen as unnecessary. Their bodies are covered in fine fur that cannot be seen only felt due to it's color. They are all female humanoid shaped hermaphrodites.

Personality: Tiamara is the chosen Speaker for her people by The Mothers of The Clans. She is very curious about Jace and how he managed to get the Alliance Council to listen to him but with cautions reserve. She is very wary of Khoth as his people have not treated her well. The Council had her species listed as basically useless as their entire race is deaf. She is quietly reserved when she first meets someone but opens up into a boisterous mischief maker once she gets to know you. She gets along with Thammah way too well for anyones peace of mind. She might not have been the best choice of Speaker, but she was the only one willing to do it.

Special Alien Stuff: They can see sound waves. Makes learning the languages of other species surprisingly easy dispite being deaf and mute. They have a form of sign language they use for themselves (no other species has bothered to learn it) when talking across great distances (greater than the diameter of a large planet) otherwise they use their telepathy to talk among themselves. They generally write when communicating with other species. I like to think that the way Khoth wins Tiamara over is by learning their sign language. Thammah of course leams it cause it's fun (I hope).

First of all, I'd just like to say how much I love the fact you're asking for alien ideas. I created Tiamara a decade and a half ago just cause and it's nice that she might finally be somewhere other than my head. Anyway, Name: Tiamara Species: Quinartan Home Planet: Gone. A meteorite took it out a couple of centuries ago and they're been traveling in large pods ever since. Physical Discription: 6' plus. Pure black (google vanta black) skin and hair (Tiamara wears hers long). Horse hooves for feet. Four fingered hands. No discernible mode of hearing. The only features on their face that can be seen are large jewel colored eyes. They don't bother with clothes as they are seen as unnecessary. Their bodies are covered in fine fur that cannot be seen only felt due to it's color. They are all female humanoid shaped hermaphrodites. Personality: Tiamara is the chosen Speaker for her people by The Mothers of The Clans. She is very curious about Jace and how he managed to get the Alliance Council to listen to him but with cautions reserve. She is very wary of Khoth as his people have not treated her well. The Council had her species listed as basically useless as their entire race is deaf. She is quietly reserved when she first meets someone but opens up into a boisterous mischief maker once she gets to know you. She gets along with Thammah way too well for anyones peace of mind. She might not have been the best choice of Speaker, but she was the only one willing to do it. Special Alien Stuff: They can see sound waves. Makes learning the languages of other species surprisingly easy dispite being deaf and mute. They have a form of sign language they use for themselves (no other species has bothered to learn it) when talking across great distances (greater than the diameter of a large planet) otherwise they use their telepathy to talk among themselves. They generally write when communicating with other species. I like to think that the way Khoth wins Tiamara over is by learning their sign language. Thammah of course leams it cause it's fun (I hope).
Guest - Kelsi Sharp on Sunday, 31 January 2021 01:20




PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A humanoid race, with Dark grey skin which is broken up by scrolllike pearlescent grey markings which can be found all over his body. Hair is an Icy Blue Grey color that is intricately braided tight to his head and bound by a metal cuff at the base of his head. Below which a think ponytail of braids hangs down.

PERSONALITY Not very good at hiding his thoughts or expressions on his face. His homeworld is dark so culturally they have never really learned to guard their expressions. Which has caused them to have trouble with the Alliance since the Tha'fell dislike their obvious displays of emotion as well as the fact that as result they don't hide when they are annoyed or frustrated with Tha'fell tyrany. Tha'fell feel like they don't show them the respect or deference they deserve. Rishnar is hardworking, clever, and intelligent. Fighting style, relies on dexterity, and the element of surprise. Really enjoys sparring.

SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! Arnauth is a small planet that is located in the distant outreaches of its solar system. As such the planet spends a large amount of time in very dim light or total darkness. So the species of this planet have developed natural bioluminesence which they can regulate and control its intensity. In the darkness the lines on his skin glow as does his hair. The race itself is has a similar appearance structurally to human. But their beauty standards are not based on facial features since these features are less visible in the dark but on the amount of the bioluminesent lines a person has on their skin and the intricacies of these natural occurring lines is how this culture judges beauty. Their eyes are large and entirely black to capture as much light as possible, they can see in the dark and for long distances. Their race has very tough skin which is impervious to cold as their world is very cold due to its position far from its star. When visiting brighter worlds they must wear protective eyewear to shield their sensitive eyes. They also wear a suit which can regulate their temperature when visiting warmer climates. This race is particularly good for use as scouts due to their enhanced visual capabilities to see over far distances and ability to see in the dark. They are naturally agile but not muscular as their homeworld has less gravity since it is further from their star. So their fighting style is more dexterity based since they are often outmatched in terms of strength compared to other races.

NAME OF CHARACTER Rishnar SPECIES NAME Shule HOME PLANET Arnauth PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: A humanoid race, with Dark grey skin which is broken up by scrolllike pearlescent grey markings which can be found all over his body. Hair is an Icy Blue Grey color that is intricately braided tight to his head and bound by a metal cuff at the base of his head. Below which a think ponytail of braids hangs down. PERSONALITY Not very good at hiding his thoughts or expressions on his face. His homeworld is dark so culturally they have never really learned to guard their expressions. Which has caused them to have trouble with the Alliance since the Tha'fell dislike their obvious displays of emotion as well as the fact that as result they don't hide when they are annoyed or frustrated with Tha'fell tyrany. Tha'fell feel like they don't show them the respect or deference they deserve. Rishnar is hardworking, clever, and intelligent. Fighting style, relies on dexterity, and the element of surprise. Really enjoys sparring. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! Arnauth is a small planet that is located in the distant outreaches of its solar system. As such the planet spends a large amount of time in very dim light or total darkness. So the species of this planet have developed natural bioluminesence which they can regulate and control its intensity. In the darkness the lines on his skin glow as does his hair. The race itself is has a similar appearance structurally to human. But their beauty standards are not based on facial features since these features are less visible in the dark but on the amount of the bioluminesent lines a person has on their skin and the intricacies of these natural occurring lines is how this culture judges beauty. Their eyes are large and entirely black to capture as much light as possible, they can see in the dark and for long distances. Their race has very tough skin which is impervious to cold as their world is very cold due to its position far from its star. When visiting brighter worlds they must wear protective eyewear to shield their sensitive eyes. They also wear a suit which can regulate their temperature when visiting warmer climates. This race is particularly good for use as scouts due to their enhanced visual capabilities to see over far distances and ability to see in the dark. They are naturally agile but not muscular as their homeworld has less gravity since it is further from their star. So their fighting style is more dexterity based since they are often outmatched in terms of strength compared to other races.
Ssilverfairy on Monday, 01 February 2021 00:43

(Note: English is not my first language so please excuse the probably numerous misspelling)




PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: All Sperions have light brown skin and long pure white wings made of feathers. Oraciel has cat-like eyes in the color of gold. His hairs are long, black, and straight. His body is muscular and very strong. His nails are sharps. So, except for their wings, eyes, and nails, Sperions look like humans.

PERSONALITY : Oraciel is calm, curious, and very intelligent. He talks slowly because he always thinks a lot before opening his mouth. Oraciel is obsessed with honor and with finding a way to show his usefulness to his species. He wishes to avenge his parents who were killed by the Khul when he was very young. He doesn’t express his emotions easily but his eyes can never lie. He hates wearing shoes. Each Sperion is assigned a specific job when they are young based on their results in several tests which determined their aptitudes. Oraciel was assigned to be a medical doctor. After finishing the first of his class at medical school, he had the privilege to choose himself the division where he wanted to work. He chose to join the army like his parents. Additionally to healing people, Oraciel does a lot of research about other species' biology. He is especially interested in studying the Khul even if he doesn’t have the permission to approach them at his utmost frustration.

SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF: Sperions mostly live in very tall buildings since they all can fly. They consider bird sacred and only hunt animals that live on the ground. Since their planet has two suns, they can support very high temperatures. Speria doesn’t have a lot of water and with the growing population, the current amount of water available is not enough for everyone. Therefore, Sperions have to import regularly of an uninhabited planet in their neighborhood half of their water need. By so, they depend on a secure space route to transport regularly lots of water back home.

(Note: English is not my first language so please excuse the probably numerous misspelling) NAME OF CHARACTER: Oraciel SPECIES NAME: Sperion HOME PLANET: Speria PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: All Sperions have light brown skin and long pure white wings made of feathers. Oraciel has cat-like eyes in the color of gold. His hairs are long, black, and straight. His body is muscular and very strong. His nails are sharps. So, except for their wings, eyes, and nails, Sperions look like humans. PERSONALITY : Oraciel is calm, curious, and very intelligent. He talks slowly because he always thinks a lot before opening his mouth. Oraciel is obsessed with honor and with finding a way to show his usefulness to his species. He wishes to avenge his parents who were killed by the Khul when he was very young. He doesn’t express his emotions easily but his eyes can never lie. He hates wearing shoes. Each Sperion is assigned a specific job when they are young based on their results in several tests which determined their aptitudes. Oraciel was assigned to be a medical doctor. After finishing the first of his class at medical school, he had the privilege to choose himself the division where he wanted to work. He chose to join the army like his parents. Additionally to healing people, Oraciel does a lot of research about other species' biology. He is especially interested in studying the Khul even if he doesn’t have the permission to approach them at his utmost frustration. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF: Sperions mostly live in very tall buildings since they all can fly. They consider bird sacred and only hunt animals that live on the ground. Since their planet has two suns, they can support very high temperatures. Speria doesn’t have a lot of water and with the growing population, the current amount of water available is not enough for everyone. Therefore, Sperions have to import regularly of an uninhabited planet in their neighborhood half of their water need. By so, they depend on a secure space route to transport regularly lots of water back home.
ipodpixie on Sunday, 07 February 2021 16:09

I was just reading through the other suggestion and came up with another. I hope I'm not too late


Purla Escorayaa




Jemdis 3 - A very beautiful little planet, about half the size of Earth. It has three moons that have settlements on them.
Males of the species are a pale orange colour and the females are pale pink. They pair for life and the females only have one pregnancy. Each pregnancy is always a multiple of 3. The Jemdinites are extremely slow aging and are not considered full grown until around 100 years old. Due to a low bith rate and slow aging the Khul have devastated their planet and settlements. The Jemdinites have rudimentary space flight, they can travel within their own solar system, and are not really technologically advanced therefore they are overlooked by the Alliance, just getting basic protection and no council representation.


Purla is a female Jemdinite. Around 150 earth years. Her hair, skin and eyes are all a pale pink colour. Purla has waist length hair the colour of candyfloss that is swept back from her face and forehead. She also has a mandela type marking that sits on her forehead like an upside down half circle and is silver in colour. Jemdinites are of shorter stature with Purla being around 4 ft 5. She is fine boned and willowy, with quite a long swan like neck and long fingers. She has small delicate features with small pointed ears that she wears a line of white diamond like crystal earrings down the edge of. She also likes to wear a marquise shaped crystal the same as her earrings between her eyebrows. She wears a halter top that ends above her belly button, a light jacket and pair of trousers that flare slightly at the bottom all made from a pale pink shimmery material.


As per her empathic nature she is very caring, loving and loyal. A peaceful person by nature she does not like to fight but after the Khul repeated ravaged her planet and killed her 2 siblings she requested joining the crew of the Osiris to try and make a difference. She is still young according to her people and is quite playful and will probably get on well with Thammah.


Purla's people are very spiritual and quite empathic. Purla herself has especially strong spiritual powers. She is able to read the moods and feelings of others, is able to sense when others are near and what their intentions are. Has almost a sixth sense about directions e.g. can point to a map coordinate and there will be a wormhole. She can also summon spirits to come to her aid for defense or help locate things. If pushed I have no doubt that she could use her powers in ways she has never tried before.

I was just reading through the other suggestion and came up with another. I hope I'm not too late :) NAME OF CHARACTER Purla Escorayaa SPECIES NAME Jemdinites HOME PLANET Jemdis 3 - A very beautiful little planet, about half the size of Earth. It has three moons that have settlements on them. Males of the species are a pale orange colour and the females are pale pink. They pair for life and the females only have one pregnancy. Each pregnancy is always a multiple of 3. The Jemdinites are extremely slow aging and are not considered full grown until around 100 years old. Due to a low bith rate and slow aging the Khul have devastated their planet and settlements. The Jemdinites have rudimentary space flight, they can travel within their own solar system, and are not really technologically advanced therefore they are overlooked by the Alliance, just getting basic protection and no council representation. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Purla is a female Jemdinite. Around 150 earth years. Her hair, skin and eyes are all a pale pink colour. Purla has waist length hair the colour of candyfloss that is swept back from her face and forehead. She also has a mandela type marking that sits on her forehead like an upside down half circle and is silver in colour. Jemdinites are of shorter stature with Purla being around 4 ft 5. She is fine boned and willowy, with quite a long swan like neck and long fingers. She has small delicate features with small pointed ears that she wears a line of white diamond like crystal earrings down the edge of. She also likes to wear a marquise shaped crystal the same as her earrings between her eyebrows. She wears a halter top that ends above her belly button, a light jacket and pair of trousers that flare slightly at the bottom all made from a pale pink shimmery material. PERSONALITY As per her empathic nature she is very caring, loving and loyal. A peaceful person by nature she does not like to fight but after the Khul repeated ravaged her planet and killed her 2 siblings she requested joining the crew of the Osiris to try and make a difference. She is still young according to her people and is quite playful and will probably get on well with Thammah. SPECIAL ALIEN STUFF! Purla's people are very spiritual and quite empathic. Purla herself has especially strong spiritual powers. She is able to read the moods and feelings of others, is able to sense when others are near and what their intentions are. Has almost a sixth sense about directions e.g. can point to a map coordinate and there will be a wormhole. She can also summon spirits to come to her aid for defense or help locate things. If pushed I have no doubt that she could use her powers in ways she has never tried before.
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