The Raythe Reign Times: July 2020

News_Blo_20190212-233255_1 June 2020 - Raythe Reign Newsletter

Catch up on what's happening at Raythe Reign for June.  What's ending soon?  What's just getting started?  When is Raythe expecting to release her next book?

Scheduled FB Live Readings & Dragon's Reign Podcast:

July 18 & 25, Empire of Stars (FB Live)

July 11, Dragon's Reign

Book & Story News:

Vampire's Club Book 7 AUDIO is amazingly done, which means the entire series is complete in both audio & written format. Get VC7 on Amazon here: 

Nothing finishing, nothing started. Empire of Stars is going strong at 4 chapters per month, and Raythe's going to have those discussions up, we swear. We'll be at 19 chapters of EoS by the end of the month.

Raythe does want to have those discussions - we just ran out of time on the calendar this month.

Free Stuff

Merman 2 - June 29 - July 3 (

Cursed: Smoke (Nick & Bane AU) - July 9 - July 13 (

Cursed: Broken (Book 1, M/M Beauty & The Beast) - July 23 - 27 (

We'll remind you in email and on FB.

Empire Of Stars chapters are still open, and at 19 chapters there will around 76,000 words!

Dragon's Reign podcast (

Member Space

Which fairy tale or classic story do Members think makes for good gay romance? Well... answers are very interesting and varied, but particularly exciting is the potential of Hansel & Gretel. This will be only on the site because it's literally unpublishable on Amazon. See all the responses:

We hope to have a mid-month fan art / craft / cosplay showcase!

Anyone done fan-works of RR characters or worlds? Get your submissions in before June 12, with any relevant info, and we'll feature them in a mid-month fan works video!

​This is a painting by Storn A. Cook, commissioned by Alec Frazier.

Art by Storn A. Cook of the bonding of King Luthien Evindal (Ciaran Hawthorne) of the Riven Kingdom and King Æthaden Undriel of the Valore Kingdom, creating one united Empire, from The Elven King's Blade, by Raythe Reign of The Yaoi Fiction of Raythe Reign.

The description:

The image focuses on our two main characters, King Luthien and King Ӕthaden. There are approximately fifty people behind them. Below on the left is Æthaden's councilor, Lord Ares Etoren. Luthien's father, Lord Anduin (Egan Hawthorne), is shown below on the right wearing a circlet. Lord Anduin has his hand on the shoulder of Luthien and Æthaden's eight-year old daughter, Cassie.

On the right is King Ӕthaden. He is pale, tall, and has long, platinum hair, almost down to his waist. As an elf, he has pointed ears and violet eyes. He is wearing lightly colored robes covered with silver stitching and pearls and diamonds sewn into the material. Around his shoulders is a white fur wrap. Perched in the fur wrap is his violine, a white fox with violet eyes named Væral. Atop Ӕthaden's head is a delicate platinum crown with large diamonds.

On the left, King Luthien has a slightly darker complexion, and is very slightly shorter with black hair at least down to the middle of his back. He has a visible but not ghastly scar over his left eye, crossing his eyebrow. As a human, he has regular ears. He is wearing purple silk robes with a crimson underlay, and gold stitching with inset rubies, and a full-length cape along the same lines. He also has thigh-high black boots. His violine is a regular colored fox named Twig, perched around his shoulders. Atop Luthien's head is a gold crown with rubies that is bolder but not more substantial than Ӕthaden's.

Both King Ӕthaden and King Luthien are preparing to kiss, and touching hands. Their hands have a glowing tattoo pattern that joins into one where they touch, emitting as visible purple energy. They are surrounded by motes of energy.

On the plateau behind them is a city with houses and a castle with towers. Behind that are two guardians. The guardians are many headed dragons. These are dragons, so they have four legs, instead of two.

King Ӕthaden's guardian, on the right, is named Xarathen, and is as big as a mountain. It has multiple heads in multiple colors. The heads look different, with different demeanors. One is emerald green, and is spitting poisonous smoke, one is amethyst, one is gold, one is white and looks wise and collected, one on the end next to one of the sets of claws is blue, and one is red and angry. The other heads are emitting other colored blasts.

King Luthien's guardian, on the left, is named Einnor. Einnor is black as night with ripples of color, like an oil slick. It has a dozen heads, each with different colored eyes like jewels. The largest and most central head has red eyes. Einnor had two sets of wings, the first larger than the second. This guardian has a massive tail tipped with spikes that are taller than the largest tower in the castle/city below them. Einnor is larger than Xarathen. Like before, the heads look different, with different demeanors. One of Einnor's heads is emitting pulses blue magical light. Another one is emitting a green blast. The other heads are emitting other colored blasts, gases, plasmas electricity, or magics.

The emissions coming from Xarathen are joining with the emissions of the Einnor to create a triumphal light show.

NARROW IT DOWN! Which Serial and Chapter Do You Wa...


sryseeker on Sunday, 14 June 2020 02:23

Regarding the Dark Earth manga 11. Will it not be sold as a singe volume like the others? Why is it being released on the calendar? By releasing it on the calendar it will be a very slow release process.

Regarding the Dark Earth manga 11. Will it not be sold as a singe volume like the others? Why is it being released on the calendar? By releasing it on the calendar it will be a very slow release process.
Raythe on Tuesday, 30 June 2020 20:52

Because it isn't done so we can't sell what isn't done. It's a huge volume (more like 2 in size). When T. Wolv finishes the volume it will be released and sold individually. It will continue to also be on the site releasing as the manga always have for free.

Because it isn't done so we can't sell what isn't done. It's a huge volume (more like 2 in size). When T. Wolv finishes the volume it will be released and sold individually. It will continue to also be on the site releasing as the manga always have for free.
skipper7 on Tuesday, 30 June 2020 20:53

Damn! This is great! Many thanks for getting the art up!


Damn! This is great! Many thanks for getting the art up! Alec
chrismage30 on Sunday, 12 July 2020 04:41

Will there be a follow up to the fell, with whatever happens in dunhaven?

Will there be a follow up to the fell, with whatever happens in dunhaven?
Raythe on Saturday, 25 July 2020 17:37

Yeah, there will be a serial called Dark Magic that I plan on doing but not for awhile.

Yeah, there will be a serial called Dark Magic that I plan on doing but not for awhile.
Guest - Michelle on Saturday, 25 July 2020 12:03

Hello, I am listening to Dragon reign on podcast and loving it! Just wanted to inform you that on episode 25, there's a bug... we can hear you telling the story as if recorded twice (into 15.35 minutes). As for anything's perfect

Hello, I am listening to Dragon reign on podcast and loving it! Just wanted to inform you that on episode 25, there's a bug... we can hear you telling the story as if recorded twice (into 15.35 minutes). As for anything's perfect :D:D:D
Raythe on Saturday, 25 July 2020 17:37

Thanks, but since this is free... well, Kat's already taking 5 hours of edits for each one so this isn't audiobook quality. Just listen for fun and ignore the errors.

Thanks, but since this is free... well, Kat's already taking 5 hours of edits for each one so this isn't audiobook quality. Just listen for fun and ignore the errors.
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