Welcome to Raythe Reign 4.0!


Some of you have actually been with us since the site started in December 2010. In terms of sites, that was Raythe Reign 1.0, and it was ugly! Slow to load! Crashed constantly! And when it first came out, I had only 5 stories on there with 25 chapters total (which is considered a SHORT STORY now not the site lol). Oh, and we had 3, yes, count them, 3 Members. Two of them were pity memberships, and only ONE was a legit Member, who is STILL on the site today. It was this one Member that gave me any hope that I could make a go of this.

So where are we today?

This is the fourth iteration of the site and we're thousands of Members later! This is the most beautiful (I think so anyways) and the most user-friendly (we incorporated as many of your ideas as we could) of all the sites. I encourage you to explore the site. Look at everything. Click on every link. Check out every nook and cranny. If something doesn't work, please let us know.

Some ideas for where to start:

The Library - We really took to heart how difficult it was to see everything that there is on the site. Now, you can see stories organized neatly by genre, if you like, or by alpha.

The Reading Guides - Want to know where to start reading? Want to know which story is in which universe, let alone which one to read first. Find everything here from sequels to short stories to manga!

The Gallery - We heard you about wanting to be able to go to one place and look at all the art. Now the art will still be on the story pages, too, but this is one place to easily see everything from every story.

FAQS - Now I know that this doesn't sound like an interesting place to check out. But the FAQ is your friend. You want to know something about the site, billing, stories, people who work here? You find it in the FAQs! So do check that out. Plus it is a really cool widget.

We're not done with upgrading the site. Things that we hope to do are to (1) add a Dark Version of the site, and (2) ability to purchase prints of the art from the website itself. More to come!

Video Walkthrus of Raythe Reign