Help Me Build Some Dragons!

FeaturedStory_Blog Help Me Build Some Dragons!

As you know there are nine Dragon Shifters in Dragon's Reign, but these are the only ones I've actually talked about: 

Dragon King Valerius

Spirit: Raziel

Color: Black

Size: Titanic

Power: Fire plus others undiscovered.

Main Seat of Power: US


Spirit: Iolaire

Color: White

Size: Small

Power: Ice plus others undiscovered.

Main Seat of Power​: None

Dragon Queen Esme

Spirit: Scylla

Color: Blue

Size: Medium

Power: Water plus others undiscovered.

Main Seat of Power: UK

Dragon Queen Mei

Spirit: Xipil

Color: Crimson

Size: Medium

Power: Magma plus others undiscovered.

Main Seat of Power: China

Dragon King Illarion

Spirit: Mephous

Color: Green

Size: Titanic

Power: Poison plus others undiscovered.

Main Seat of Power: Russia

​That leaves us FOUR Dragon Shifters unaccounted for.  And I want you to help me design them. We did this a while ago but so much has changed, so I wanted to give us a fresh chance to design the other four.  How do we do this?

In the comments, please answer the following:

1. Dragon King or Queen Name

2. Name of Spirit

3. Coloring of Dragon

4. Size of Dragon (Small, Medium, Large, Titanic)

5. Power(s)

6. Personality of Human and Spirit

7. Appearance of Human Form

8. Main Seat of Power

Once we figure out the rest of the Dragon Shifters, I am going to request Mathia Arkoniel, our amazing artist, to paint all of them. Mathia is hard at work on DateAVampire Volume 3, so the illustrations will take some time, but we'll get them all.  

I cannot wait to see what you come up with!  Have fun!

What Comes After Sanctuary 2?
Video Walkthrus of Raythe Reign


queenayame on Sunday, 03 March 2019 20:17

1. Bjorn (goes by Billy Bones)
2. Spīna
3. Red and black iridescent scales (shifts red in the light from the main black)
4. Large
5. Spikes/spines of various sizes they throw as projectiles like that of a porcupine. They throw them from their tail, claws, and inside their mouth (they line behind their teeth like a shark) the spines regenerate slowly but they have a massive supply of them.
6. Fell in love with the classic British punk scene and adorns the fashion and interests to prove it. He’s a jokester and a smartass with a genuine love for punk music. He plays the guitar and drums (but also used to play the piano before his punk days). He is very laid back but when he’s angry he holds long grudges. Spīna is very joking and clever which mixes well with Billy’s nature. The only place they really have conflict is when Spīna is awakened by Billy’s loud music when they are attempting a nap (often). Spīna is more serious to Billy’s carefree personality.
7. A large line green Mohawk on his head with a multitude of piercings and tattoos. They come and go with his healing he’s always moving around the piercings and tattoos fade. He likes that he can try new looks. He is especially fond of his tongue piercing, though. He is muscular but not bulky and stands at about 6’2”. He can be intimidating with his leather and spikes, but doesn’t really get violent unless provoked. He’s more one to do the provoking (much to his advisor and court’s dismay).
8.Great Britain and Ireland

Feel free to take whatever inspires you from this! Billy is by no means a set in stone character. I hope that this was a help! It was fun creating him regardless!

1. Bjorn (goes by Billy Bones) 2. Spīna 3. Red and black iridescent scales (shifts red in the light from the main black) 4. Large 5. Spikes/spines of various sizes they throw as projectiles like that of a porcupine. They throw them from their tail, claws, and inside their mouth (they line behind their teeth like a shark) the spines regenerate slowly but they have a massive supply of them. 6. Fell in love with the classic British punk scene and adorns the fashion and interests to prove it. He’s a jokester and a smartass with a genuine love for punk music. He plays the guitar and drums (but also used to play the piano before his punk days). He is very laid back but when he’s angry he holds long grudges. Spīna is very joking and clever which mixes well with Billy’s nature. The only place they really have conflict is when Spīna is awakened by Billy’s loud music when they are attempting a nap (often). Spīna is more serious to Billy’s carefree personality. 7. A large line green Mohawk on his head with a multitude of piercings and tattoos. They come and go with his healing he’s always moving around the piercings and tattoos fade. He likes that he can try new looks. He is especially fond of his tongue piercing, though. He is muscular but not bulky and stands at about 6’2”. He can be intimidating with his leather and spikes, but doesn’t really get violent unless provoked. He’s more one to do the provoking (much to his advisor and court’s dismay). 8.Great Britain and Ireland Feel free to take whatever inspires you from this! Billy is by no means a set in stone character. I hope that this was a help! It was fun creating him regardless!
queenayame on Sunday, 03 March 2019 20:20

I also imagine his reign more like that of a celebrity than a serious monarch though he is one.

I also imagine his reign more like that of a celebrity than a serious monarch though he is one.
queenayame on Sunday, 03 March 2019 20:31

Oh shoot! He can’t be in UK!! Oops! Maybe he rules part of Western Europe, then! XD

Oh shoot! He can’t be in UK!! Oops! Maybe he rules part of Western Europe, then! XD
Punkedora on Sunday, 03 March 2019 20:33

Maybe Australia?

Maybe Australia?
queenayame on Sunday, 03 March 2019 21:46


Punkedora on Sunday, 03 March 2019 20:23

1. Dragon King: Salatis

2. Name of Spirit: Aker (a mythical egyptian dragon)

3. Coloring of Dragon: Gold-ish Beige

4. Size of Dragon: Large or Titanic (Africa is pretty big, lol)

5. Power(s): Turns things to sand, maybe some life and death control but limited

6. Personality of Human and Spirit: Both are stoic and quiet, but respectful and gentle. Somewhat like Valerius. The dragon is a older spirit, so it shows in Salatis a bit.

7. Appearance of Human Form: Tall and lean, dark-medium brown skin, shoulder length curly black hair pulled away from the face (like a lion's mane). Hazel eyes, arms sleeves of hieroglyphs tattoos.

8. Main Seat of Power: Africa, but lives in Egypt

1. Dragon King: Salatis 2. Name of Spirit: Aker (a mythical egyptian dragon) 3. Coloring of Dragon: Gold-ish Beige 4. Size of Dragon: Large or Titanic (Africa is pretty big, lol) 5. Power(s): Turns things to sand, maybe some life and death control but limited 6. Personality of Human and Spirit: Both are stoic and quiet, but respectful and gentle. Somewhat like Valerius. The dragon is a older spirit, so it shows in Salatis a bit. 7. Appearance of Human Form: Tall and lean, dark-medium brown skin, shoulder length curly black hair pulled away from the face (like a lion's mane). Hazel eyes, arms sleeves of hieroglyphs tattoos. 8. Main Seat of Power: Africa, but lives in Egypt
ash_18 on Sunday, 03 March 2019 20:25

1. Dragon King or Queen Name
- Queen Akasha
2. Name of Spirit
- Khari
3. Coloring of Dragon
- Grey
4. Size of Dragon (Small, Medium, Large, Titanic)
- Medium
5. Power(s)
- Electricity

6. Personality of Human and Spirit
- Human: Reserved but has a dry sense of humor. Does not like confrontation.
Spirit: Child like and curious. Full of wonder. Powerful when threaten
7. Appearance of Human Form
- Dark brown skin with silver hair. Dark brown eyes, curvy and 5,5 tall.
8. Main Seat of Power
- Africa

1. Dragon King or Queen Name - Queen Akasha 2. Name of Spirit - Khari 3. Coloring of Dragon - Grey 4. Size of Dragon (Small, Medium, Large, Titanic) - Medium 5. Power(s) - Electricity 6. Personality of Human and Spirit - Human: Reserved but has a dry sense of humor. Does not like confrontation. Spirit: Child like and curious. Full of wonder. Powerful when threaten 7. Appearance of Human Form - Dark brown skin with silver hair. Dark brown eyes, curvy and 5,5 tall. 8. Main Seat of Power - Africa
topaz111111 on Sunday, 03 March 2019 21:00

I've got a suggestion:
1. Queen Yaotl (means warrior in Aztec)
2. Spirit Zanayah (means always, forever in Aztec).
3. Red Sand-like coloring. Easily can camouflage in the sands.
4. Zaniyah is larger than Iolaire, but smaller than Queen Esme.
5. Power to create hallucinations.
6. Personalities: Yaotl used to be an Aztec warrior, but when a neighboring tribe betrayed her and the other warriors, among them her husband, she swore vengeance upon them and so gained Zaniyah. She prefers head-on battles, where swift and powerful moves will win her the battle. Very honorable. To betray her is to beg for death.
Zaniyah is cunning & will choose to work around a situation so that she never lifts finger yet the players end fighting each other. Zaniyah complements Yaotl by focusing on behind the scenes manipulations where Yaotl focuses on head battle and strategy.
7. Appearance: Yaotl is around 6 feet (very tall for an ancient Aztec). Her skin is the color of the sunset on the sand- a deep red over dark gold. She has no tattoos, yet inks herself in the traditional warrior symbols using natural based ink from plants found in central Mexico. She wears her hair braided in two long braids, wrapped around her head, with the tips falling over her temples. She has a softly squared face, yet the downward set her mouth, the way her brows wrinkle, show she faces war and death resolutely. She is very hardworking, and yet so graceful as to almost be considered graceful like a jaguar in the jungles. Her palms and feet are rough from her mortal life working to defend her people. She is muscular, yet not overly so, as that would hinder her from being able to fight as deadly a possible.
8. Main seat: central and Northern half of South America.

I've got a suggestion: 1. Queen Yaotl (means warrior in Aztec) 2. Spirit Zanayah (means always, forever in Aztec). 3. Red Sand-like coloring. Easily can camouflage in the sands. 4. Zaniyah is larger than Iolaire, but smaller than Queen Esme. 5. Power to create hallucinations. 6. Personalities: Yaotl used to be an Aztec warrior, but when a neighboring tribe betrayed her and the other warriors, among them her husband, she swore vengeance upon them and so gained Zaniyah. She prefers head-on battles, where swift and powerful moves will win her the battle. Very honorable. To betray her is to beg for death. Zaniyah is cunning & will choose to work around a situation so that she never lifts finger yet the players end fighting each other. Zaniyah complements Yaotl by focusing on behind the scenes manipulations where Yaotl focuses on head battle and strategy. 7. Appearance: Yaotl is around 6 feet (very tall for an ancient Aztec). Her skin is the color of the sunset on the sand- a deep red over dark gold. She has no tattoos, yet inks herself in the traditional warrior symbols using natural based ink from plants found in central Mexico. She wears her hair braided in two long braids, wrapped around her head, with the tips falling over her temples. She has a softly squared face, yet the downward set her mouth, the way her brows wrinkle, show she faces war and death resolutely. She is very hardworking, and yet so graceful as to almost be considered graceful like a jaguar in the jungles. Her palms and feet are rough from her mortal life working to defend her people. She is muscular, yet not overly so, as that would hinder her from being able to fight as deadly a possible. 8. Main seat: central and Northern half of South America.
Faranae on Monday, 04 March 2019 11:37

I get that green is already taken, but the vast majority of Central and South America is jungle, swamp, or grassland, and not the famous red desert of a specific region of Mexico. Also, the southern half of South America (plus, what, Antarctica?) is a terrible domain for some other dragon to be stuck with.

I get that green is already taken, but the vast majority of Central and South America is jungle, swamp, or grassland, and not the famous red desert of a specific region of Mexico. Also, the southern half of South America (plus, what, Antarctica?) is a terrible domain for some other dragon to be stuck with.
topaz111111 on Tuesday, 05 March 2019 06:01

I thought neither South and North Pile was taken. That's why Caden didn't want a territory to begin with. And what's wrong with the lower half of South America?! Nothing. And I say that Yaotl and Zaniyah had to be stuck in the jungle? This a suggestion. Not to mention, I have only ever lived in regions of mountains and little to no forestry in Mexico. I much prefer sand as Zaniyah can then pretend to be a semi high desert top and then sneak in on prey.
Anyway, this is why I wrote: I have suggestion, not: I have proof that an Aztec warrior would get pick what color their dragon would be, that they would live taking up central and South America and they would live in a swamp. No.
I based this character on fact that I'm not expert on forests or swamps, that I know of the desert-like conditions surrounding muy family's homes in Mexico, and that I prefer the Aztecs.

I thought neither South and North Pile was taken. That's why Caden didn't want a territory to begin with. And what's wrong with the lower half of South America?! Nothing. And I say that Yaotl and Zaniyah had to be stuck in the jungle? This a suggestion. Not to mention, I have only ever lived in regions of mountains and little to no forestry in Mexico. I much prefer sand as Zaniyah can then pretend to be a semi high desert top and then sneak in on prey. Anyway, this is why I wrote: I have suggestion, not: I have proof that an Aztec warrior would get pick what color their dragon would be, that they would live taking up central and South America and they would live in a swamp. No. I based this character on fact that I'm not expert on forests or swamps, that I know of the desert-like conditions surrounding muy family's homes in Mexico, and that I prefer the Aztecs.
Faranae on Tuesday, 05 March 2019 11:47

I'm sorry that something about my critique has upset you so much. It's great to design a dragon around what's familiar and cool to you! You put in a lot of thought and effort into your dragon design and I just wanted to help make it even better by looking at the bits that didn't quite make sense to me. It seemed strange to not include part of the continent, and it's a flaw because the world is divided up between the existing 8 dragons, and we know roughly the size and quality of four of the dragons' domains. The smallest, least fertile, least resource-intensive and least populated portion of South America would probably have suited *Valerius* just fine, especially as it is very beautiful and remote, but in comparison to the known territories, its very much table scraps from a geopolitical standpoint. So it would have to be part of some other territory, but it's extremely far from any other candidate that isn't the rest of South America. You are right, though, I'd forgotten that Antarctica was officially not taken (I don't think the Arctic was mentioned, but it's probably just divided much like it is now, considering Valerius also owns Canada, which actually makes it a less messy border!)

I'm sorry that something about my critique has upset you so much. It's great to design a dragon around what's familiar and cool to you! You put in a lot of thought and effort into your dragon design and I just wanted to help make it even better by looking at the bits that didn't quite make sense to me. It seemed strange to not include part of the continent, and it's a flaw because the world is divided up between the existing 8 dragons, and we know roughly the size and quality of four of the dragons' domains. The smallest, least fertile, least resource-intensive and least populated portion of South America would probably have suited *Valerius* just fine, especially as it is very beautiful and remote, but in comparison to the known territories, its very much table scraps from a geopolitical standpoint. So it would have to be part of some other territory, but it's extremely far from any other candidate that isn't the rest of South America. You are right, though, I'd forgotten that Antarctica was officially not taken (I don't think the Arctic was mentioned, but it's probably just divided much like it is now, considering Valerius also owns Canada, which actually makes it a less messy border!)
camcc on Sunday, 03 March 2019 21:06

Dragon King William
Spirit: Daku means “sand hill”
Color: Red Sand or looks like he is made of sand.
Size: Large
Power(s): Sand Storms calls, Sand Blast breath, Can fall apart and come together like sand.
Personality of Human and Spirit: Earth father type of personality. Think the Aboriginal from “Crocodile Dundee”
Appearance of Human Form: Very dark Aboriginal man.
8. Main Seat of Power

Dragon King William Spirit: Daku means “sand hill” Color: Red Sand or looks like he is made of sand. Size: Large Power(s): Sand Storms calls, Sand Blast breath, Can fall apart and come together like sand. Personality of Human and Spirit: Earth father type of personality. Think the Aboriginal from “Crocodile Dundee” Appearance of Human Form: Very dark Aboriginal man. 8. Main Seat of Power Australia
camcc on Sunday, 03 March 2019 21:27

Dragon #2

Dragon King Asahi
Spirit: Sora
Color: Japanese Indigo
Size: Small
Power: Calls Tsunami, Wind Blast Breath, Can turn into clouds
Personality of Human and Spirit: Very old Samurai
Appearance of Human Form: Average Height Japanese man, but will built and with long Black hair that comes to his waist.
MSP: Japan

Dragon #2 Dragon King Asahi Spirit: Sora Color: Japanese Indigo Size: Small Power: Calls Tsunami, Wind Blast Breath, Can turn into clouds Personality of Human and Spirit: Very old Samurai Appearance of Human Form: Average Height Japanese man, but will built and with long Black hair that comes to his waist. MSP: Japan
camcc on Sunday, 03 March 2019 21:30

Honor, Honor, Honor

Honor, Honor, Honor
JunnGerl on Saturday, 16 March 2019 07:16

King Kumahigo,
size Medium

King Kumahigo, size Medium
keith on Sunday, 03 March 2019 22:07

I'm bad at picking names or designing stuff, so i'll just throw some ideas about personalities:

- i think it could be interesting to have a dragon that resent Valerius because they're jealous they didn't get North America when they shared the world between them. That dragon would be likely to ally with Illarion, just in hope to gain Valerius' territory.

- at least SOME of the dragons should try to court Caden properly, so I could see one being actually very enamored with Caden. Though maybe they would see Caden more like an interesting, precious treasure they want in their collection, rather than a potential partner? But anyway they would be quite charming with Caden, which would make Valerius very jealous!

I'm bad at picking names or designing stuff, so i'll just throw some ideas about personalities: - i think it could be interesting to have a dragon that resent Valerius because they're jealous they didn't get North America when they shared the world between them. That dragon would be likely to ally with Illarion, just in hope to gain Valerius' territory. - at least SOME of the dragons should try to court Caden properly, so I could see one being actually very enamored with Caden. Though maybe they would see Caden more like an interesting, precious treasure they want in their collection, rather than a potential partner? But anyway they would be quite charming with Caden, which would make Valerius very jealous!
ipodpixie on Sunday, 03 March 2019 22:13

Just got a quick question, is this in addition to the previously suggested ones or is this replacing them?? I wondered because one that i suggested previously was probably as good as i could manage

Just got a quick question, is this in addition to the previously suggested ones or is this replacing them?? I wondered because one that i suggested previously was probably as good as i could manage :p:p
Raythe on Sunday, 03 March 2019 22:16

It is in replacement of, so copy-paste your old idea here so they are all in one spot for people to see.

It is in replacement of, so copy-paste your old idea here so they are all in one spot for people to see.
ipodpixie on Sunday, 03 March 2019 22:21

Will do, cheers!

Will do, cheers!
ipodpixie on Monday, 04 March 2019 13:32

Finally found the link to the old blog - I had a mountain of old emails to plow through Here is the dragon idea I submitted previously!

Human name Tezcacoatl - meaning King of the serpents (apt!) Is called Tez by his close friends and associates.
Dragon name Eldoron – think Eldorado.
Seat of power Mexico City.
Area South America and the Carribean.
Colour Iridescent gold, with some silver scales across the belly and tail.
Titanic male dragon.
Breathes mercury vapour or molten mercury.
Has the power over metals and magnetic forces.

Long snout with high crests over the eyes, taught powerful body and shorter tail that ends with long, razor sharp spines. The thick tail is used for clubbing and crushing. Scales are infused with the metals of the earth. This dragon is very sure of itself, very proud, almost verging on vanity believing itself to be the most attractive dragon. Although it knows it is not the most powerful that doesn't stop it from charging in where devils fear to tread - just as long as it looks good while doing it!

In human form I picture him as being like an Aztec king similar to Montezuma. Sun darkened skin, gleaming shoulder length raven black hair and golden brown eyes that are alight with intelligence, shrewdness and humour. A tall powerful man with broad shoulders, strong back and legs.

In the time before the spirits chose him he was a miner who saved his fellow miners during a cave in. The spirits rewarded him for his time underground with the very metals he used to hew from the earth. He is quick to laugh but is nobody’s fool and will not be taken advantage of. He can either be a close friend and ally or a bitter and vengeful enemy. I think once they get to know each other properly he could be a good ally and friend to Valerius, despite him flirting with Caden!!

Finally found the link to the old blog - I had a mountain of old emails to plow through :o Here is the dragon idea I submitted previously! Human name Tezcacoatl - meaning King of the serpents (apt!) Is called Tez by his close friends and associates. Dragon name Eldoron – think Eldorado. Seat of power Mexico City. Area South America and the Carribean. Colour Iridescent gold, with some silver scales across the belly and tail. Titanic male dragon. Breathes mercury vapour or molten mercury. Has the power over metals and magnetic forces. Long snout with high crests over the eyes, taught powerful body and shorter tail that ends with long, razor sharp spines. The thick tail is used for clubbing and crushing. Scales are infused with the metals of the earth. This dragon is very sure of itself, very proud, almost verging on vanity believing itself to be the most attractive dragon. Although it knows it is not the most powerful that doesn't stop it from charging in where devils fear to tread - just as long as it looks good while doing it! In human form I picture him as being like an Aztec king similar to Montezuma. Sun darkened skin, gleaming shoulder length raven black hair and golden brown eyes that are alight with intelligence, shrewdness and humour. A tall powerful man with broad shoulders, strong back and legs. In the time before the spirits chose him he was a miner who saved his fellow miners during a cave in. The spirits rewarded him for his time underground with the very metals he used to hew from the earth. He is quick to laugh but is nobody’s fool and will not be taken advantage of. He can either be a close friend and ally or a bitter and vengeful enemy. I think once they get to know each other properly he could be a good ally and friend to Valerius, despite him flirting with Caden!!
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